

Count Down To Christmas

I have so many things pinned on Pinterest--- with every intention of making or doing them, that I thought it was about time to do one of them! One great idea I pinned on my Christmas board was a super cute gift idea...... giving 24 books as a count down to Christmas day. How cute! I have been buying books off and on for the past few months. I didn't keep track and only over bought by 3! Not bad...
 I of course had to buy some of my favorites....
Gingerbread Baby, The Jester Has Lost His Jingle, Olive- The Other Reindeer, The Giving Tree and of course, lets not forget, The Cat's Vacation. I also added a few assorted Christmas pop up books.....

and this robotic pop up book...
These big books, are filled with maps, letters and other things that you can pull out of the books pages....
 I am hoping my two grand kids are really going to like these :-)
 Unless... they fight on who gets to pick the daily book..... or who gets to look at it first.... or who gets to unwrap the chosen book.....oh my goodness, I need to rethink this LOL


Ohhhhh Christmas Tree....

I made a Christmas tree for my grand daughters Barbie house. Barbie wasn't happy with the faux tree... oh no... it wasn't full enough. So, I had to double it.

 I took two skinny trees and joined them together using wire pulling the trunks of the trees together as I wrapped the wire down the trunks...

I had to make a new base for the two conjoined Christmas trees, one that wouldn't topple over due to the bulk of the tree.

 Once the fuller tree met with Barbies approval, I hot glued all the ornaments, red ball garland and pink ball ornaments one at a time to the tree. I then glued some foam core squares together to create packages and covered those in scrapbook paper...

I love-love-love the little shabby chic cherubs on the tree, these were once silver so I spray painted them white...

I was lucky to find a small plastic nativity set at a second hand store a few weeks ago for 45¢, perfect for Barbies house. It just needed a stable...

 So, I made one...

Here it is after I painted it and hot glue everything in place. I cut small pieces of raffia and glued that to the ground of the stable to resemble hay. This little stable is under three inches tall...

I love it! Its the perfect addition next to the Christmas tree....
This tiny Christmas tree, packages and creche took me about a week to put together.... hmmm in d.i.y. years, I think thats about 2 years? lol 


Spoon Necklaces

I've been having fun making more spoon necklaces since I now have a large stash of finished spoon bases to pull from...
I really need to focus my attention on finishing up my grand daughters Barbie house so I can give it to her for Christmas...


 I always get distracted by shiny things!

 I have listed some of these on my etsy site....

and I have more of these in various stages of being completed...

I must push myself away from all of the bling...

Its neck and neck with chocolate in my book!

and just like chocolate... bling calls my name. *wink*


On a bender...

...bending spoons that is.....
I found a container full of spoons in my studio that I had put away when I was tiding up. See, there is a reason for NOT putting things away, out of sight out of mind!
Some spoons are easier to bend than others....
All the "duds" end up in the "dud box" to be used at a later date once I figure out what to do with them. I would like to stamp words on some of them and use as pendants. I did try it on a few already... but I'm needing to make some kind of jig to keep everything lined up.... I must add that to my to-do list :-)


Laughing Out Loud

I am always drawn to old photos.... little captured moments in time. *sigh* While searching for something to do in my studio, I decided I needed to actually do something with the large and ever growing stash of photos I have. A huge pile of photos from the 50's to the 60's I made into tags..... The rest, I added some funny sayings too.... Here is a gal proclaiming what we all do daily I'm sure! "Now that I've wasted an hour on Facebook, I'll just pop over to Pinterest and make an evening of it." Right??? lol
 Here comes the bride and groom.... Here the bride is saying what every bride thinks on her wedding day.... "Does this man make me look fat?" lol
 This young girl, probably on her graduation day, stating my all time favorite quote/saying/funny-ha-ha.... "If you are what you eat then I am fast, cheap and easy." Truer words never spoken. lol

 Lastly, these sweet little cutie pies.... The baby states, "A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand."... and the oh-so-young-for-such-a-frumpy-face states: "I have flying monkeys.... don't make me use them." lol

I'm still laughing out loud ;-) and yes, I AM easily amused!



 My grand daughter is having a Thanksgiving feast at her pre-school next Thursday before she is out of school for thanksgiving vacation.
I guess I wasn't paying attention to closely to the month of November, and I was surprised to hear that her party was so close...
 I didn't have big-BIG plans to make anything for my grand kids to take to school-- but I wanted to make something.... Sooooooooooooo I whipped up 50 tasty turkies for them to share with their friends.
*gasp* "What do you mean they are going to eat me?"
 Fun times... fun times....


Fabric Flowers

I whipped up some fabric flowers today.... they are very addictive to make. I only caught a few on fire--- but I blew the flames out rather fast. *wink*

I know black isn't a flower color--- but I wanted some black flowers. This is the first time I've tried my hand at making fabric flowers... it won't be the last either, I've already cut a bunch of fabric to curl.

I finished off the backsides with some matching felt and a pin bar...

I am thinking about doing an antique & junk show coming up in May.... so I packaged them up using a wide bingo card and some of those cellophane bags I just scored last weekend.
 If you'd like to make some fabric flowers but don't know where to start... just google the words "fabric peony flower" and up will pop over three million sites with tutorials on how to make them. One word of advice, do this in your kitchen... by the sink.... nothing flammable close by... just on the off chance you can't blow out the flames if it catches on fire. Just sayin....