


I was so bored today...I decided to give some of my things a makeover. I'm trying to get my studio whipped into shape. I think I'm making a bigger mess trying to clean it up. Anywhoooooooo, I'm happy with the results of my mini-bin. I like having my old photos out and I think this will work out nicely until I think of something else. I made some dividers out of doubled up cardstock, added a little lace, some elmers glue...and a ruffled title and taaaa-daaa instant cute. I've got two more identical wire baskets that I'm going to house ephemera in. I do not have much in the line of vintage items.... something to shoot for I guess. I am a newbie to this online world of vintage cuteness.

I received my matchbox swap items today. A big thank you to Michelle from she decorated two beautiful matchboxs and filled them with cute items~ Click the photo to make it bigger to see the cute things that were inside the two boxes. Very sweet~ again, thank you Michelle.
Here is the little box and items I sent to Michelle. Two more swaps to go and I'm taking a break lol.


  1. Thanks for visiting my bolg! I love your blog.... you seem pretty creative. I hope that you don't mind if I visit often!

  2. Wow,if this is what yuo do when you're bored, could you come to my house the next time you get bored? I love what you did with the dividers. Very creative!
    :-) Brenda
    P.S. Thanks for the tip on putting the ribbon thru those tiny little slots on my invitations. I'm sure it will make it much easier to do now! :-)

  3. I love that wire storage unit. Is that new or vintage lace. I'm trying to learn more about vintage items but there just isn't a good store. Its too hot for the flea market and the antique stores are new old style knock offs.


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!