

I believe....

Today I earned a few more feathers for my glorious angel wings that I will receive when I go to heaven. This morning at about 9ish I was at the register of a local thrift store checking out... this woman came in in near tears stating there was a kitten all mangled up in the trash can outside the door meowing. *GASP* Seeing how I try to live in a total "Polly-Anna" state... I marched right outside to rescue that little kitten. I had to reach all the way to the very bottom of that flithy trash can, which is hard to do when you don't have long arms! Amongst drink cups and candy wrappers I lifted out a soda soaked kitten which was about 3 days old. Eyes closed, wet & sticky with soda.... no signs of blood *whew* it was just abandoned by some heartless hell bound soul. The other customers in line showed concern but none were eager to help, sad-sad state of affairs I tell ya~ Anywho, I gathered up my bounty.... and the kitten in a box atop an old towel...and off I went to the nearest pet store to purchase some supplies to get this kitten some nurishment. The kitten was in really good shape, it seemed to be strong and healthy and full of energy so I am guessing it was just recently placed in the trash right before I lifted it out. Luckily for meeeeeeeeeee and this little kitten there was a young gal trying to get some cats adopted from one of our local shelters (it is a no kill shelter) After some idle chit-chat about where I found this little darling, she told me... "You know, if I told my boss that someone just left this kitten in a box at this table while I was in the restroom..... I could have him come pick it up and get it into foster care." I didn't leave until I finished hearing the entire conversation she had with him over the phone....and that he WAS coming to pick up the little kitten! Hooray!!! I am so thankful that I was able to get this kitten to the right people to give it every opportunity at a healthy life. I believe... that was at least two big handfuls of feathers I earned today~


  1. Cheryl,
    I am so glad for that little kitty that you came along and got it the love and care it needs. If you've read my blog the last couple of days, you'll see that my "Baby" has run away again. This time she's been gone for three days. I hope that some kind person like you is taking care of her and that they will help get her back home safe and sound again. Thank you for loving animals and I'm quite sure you earned some jewels in your crown today for when you get to heaven! :) Brenda

  2. Way to go, Cheryl! As "mom" to a rescued dog and past pound dogs and cats, I want to thank you for saving that little life. Someone out there needs her!

  3. Thanks to You Cheryl.....
    Feathers for Your Wings & Diamonds for Your Crown.... Storing your Treasures in Heaven ~

  4. Cheryl, thanks for the kind thoughts for Baby. You can be sure, that if and when she returns, I will not let her out of the house again! I've already decided that! Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
    :) Brenda

  5. Oh, I'm so glad you were there to rescue that poor little kitty!!

  6. Cheryl, I think she's been nabbed as well. I've offered a reward for her safe return on posters I've plastered all over my neighborhood. I just hope and pray that she is living somewhere else, as I can't bear to think of the "alternative". the reason I havent' "collared" the cats is because they are outdoor cats and I'm afraid if they have a colllar on they could get hung on a tree or something and get strangled to death. I would love to just keep them indoors all the time, but with 5 of them my hubby won't stand for it. Anyhow, thanks for your continued care. If and when she returns, I will definately put a very big post on my blog! :) Brenda

  7. Cheryl,
    My heart just grew 2 sizes after reading your blog. I don't know you, but I know that I like you. What a wonderful thing that you did for the kitten. I am still smiling. Susan at Black Eyed Susans Kitchen


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