


Here are some photos of some of the things I made to send off to my swap partner Amy. The little baby is my fav~ such a sweet little face. I surrounded the plaque with a braided gold chain, kinda cute.
I am almost finished with the "boo-eek" swag I've made her as well. I'll post a photo of that as well when I'm done with it :-)
Here is a little box that is going to house that little fella that is standing on top... got that at Michaels.... but I bought some paper clay and I've made one just like it lol.

1 comment:

  1. Love your "Boo" swap items, especially the plaque with the baby. Did you paint that tray or use paper on it? Well, Amy will be very lucky to receive those nifty things.
    BTW, we eat WW Garden Vegetable soup, too, and it is yummy! I get email recipes from WW every week, plus I have their cookbook. Even the kiddos will eat the recipes out of it! :)


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!