


Lookie what I found at our local dollar store. Three of these cuties boxed up for one dollar. They are glass and except for the tail feathers, they look just like the old Christmas birds of long ago. I was with my hubby or I would have bought a whole shopping cart full. I am so going back when I get my car out of the shop this afternoon! :-)

It was a busy day for me today behind the ol' computer. Well, scanner to be exact. I spent a good part of my morning scanning most of the old photos that I picked up for a dollar each....*still makes me grin* All this while my cutie-pa-tootie grandson was taking a nap. We did our usual walk, he had his lunch- a little play time and then he was out for "a long winters nap." I haven't done much in the way of "art" for sometime now, I'm hoping this will get me going. I've got big plans mind you..... just planning makes me tired lol. Yep, thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it~

My hubby and I took our daughter and grandson to a pumpkin patch on Sunday. cute~ The little stinker is totally in love with CARS (at 6 months old) and would have preferred to have kept on looking at the cars in the parking lot!!! But none-the-less, we dragged him into the pumpkin patch~ if nothing else but to take photos lol.
"Hey Mom....this hay......IS HURTING MY BUTT!"

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