

Spring has sprung...

and has held me hostage outside! Here are some flowers that have sprung up from last years flower seeds....
Here is one of my peach trees blooming~
One of the neighborhood squirrels eating a moldy old orange. I guess they taste better than the ripe ones because he went to an awful lot of trouble to pick this one up and haul it up to the top of the fence lol. My grandson with a flower for his Mommy~ (he fell asleep in the car~)
Another one of my grandson playing with one of his cars on my sectional I am hopeful that I've gotten enough fresh air & sunshine because I've joined a new swap :-) and also, I'm wanting to work on an assembledged piece for next Monday's Mixed media Monday with the theme of "using the word "believe" one of my FaVoRiTe words~ Ohhhhhhh and I bought a new product that creates the look of sepia tones on papers etc. So I'm really jazzed about playing around with that as well. I guess I'll go poke around in my studio now :-)


  1. That baby just keeps getting cuter and cuter! He's not looking quite so much like a baby, now, though, he's growing up. They grow way too fast, don't they.
    I love the squirrel pic. The other day I walked out to my backyard and a squirrel was sitting up on the fence eating something - I guess maybe it was a lemon off the neighbor's tree. Anyhow, the little bugger was tormenting the life out of my cats! And he also steals the birdseed out of the feeders I have hanging out there, too.
    What swap have you joined? Is there a banner on your sidebar? I didn't see anything that looked like a new swap. Do tell. Inquiring minds want to know!
    :) Brenda

  2. Your grandson is so cute! You've taken sweet pictures of him!



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