

Here are a couple more things I recently purchased from one of our local boutiques. (thrift store)
A huge bag of antique stamps which includes the alphabet (upper & lower case) shapes, common objects and lots and lots of "words" I think it was a set used by a teacher. (The rubber on the stamps smells like a car tire lol) The huge bag was only $10 buckeroos~
Here is a sweet wall angel. This one surprised me because it is made out of wood :-) It cost me all of .45cents~


  1. Wow- Great deal on the stamps! Lucky you! *2 thumbs up*
    Gotta love those thrifty stores! I love bargains too!
    Be Enchanted!

  2. Would have loved to find that big bag of stamps!! Have fun with them. Happy Halloween!! BOO

  3. I love how you have decorated. What a score at the thrift store! Yooo hooo!

    Be sure to swing by my place for I have some brain tonic and three witches brew for you! Vincent Price is waiting patiently for you to arrive to begin his story. I do hope to see you soon!

    Happy early Halloween.


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!