

Thrifted Treasures~

While in Anaheim before our fun time at Disneyland.... we of course hit some second hand stores. (its tradition to hit at least one second hand store while in a different city) Here are the things I found. The really large aluminum tray was $2. The box of red buttons were only $3 The stainless steel pitcher was $2, and the boutique of shabby roses were $2. The gold 3 keys on the ring were only $1. Cheap, crazy prices huh? Then I came across this little beaut for $7, highway robbery I tell you! I put it in my cart thinking all the while I would just hold onto it for a little while and put it back-- cause I'm cheap like that...sigh........ But-but-but.... wait, whats this? I found another one! *woot-woot* I lurve "matchy-matchy" So now its on, I not only bought the first one, I bought the second one as well!GASP well, wouldn't you know it? I found a third! I didn't even bat an eye and bought all three. lol... Now, I just have to degrease all of these darling birdcages. The black you see isn't paint, its grime!


  1. Great finds! I have given you a bloggers award! Check my blog.

  2. Love your finds! You have the super keen eye for the thrift store buys!

  3. LOVE your finds- I have to admit to being just a teensy bit jealous of those lovely birdcages!

  4. great finds Cheryl! cant wait to see what you do with those bird cages!
    happy day!

  5. I'm so jealous! I LOVE the bird cages! It's fun to go junk shopping in a new place, isn't it? I always do that when we are traveling too!

  6. Wow!!! Look at all your goodies, love the bird cages.

  7. Those bird cages are so cool! You had a good day!

  8. I'm jealous of all your loot! I seem to never be that lucky!


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!