

PVC candle tutorial~

Here is a tutorial on how to make your own pvc candles.
Your going to need some: pvc pipe any diameter, cardboard or foam core, spray paint & acrylic paint, twine or embroidery floss and a lot of gluesticks.
Firstly, I cut the pvc pipe using a hack saw into various lengths keeping in mind that if you were to light them all at the same time they would be about the same height when blown out.... so cut them about 1/4 to 1 inch in different various heights. 2.) I then cut circles to fit each circumference of just one end of the pvc pipe. I poked a hole in the center of the circles and fed a double thickness of embroidery floss through to use as the faux wick.3.) Next I used my hot glue gun to drip/dribble glue around the pvc pipe to give it the appearance of hot wax that had dripped down the sides of the candle. You can do a lot...or just a little bit whatever is to your liking. I went around the entire candle several times so it had a nice build up of melted/dripped wax.
4.) After melting hot glue down the sides of all the faux candles, I spray painted them with a brown paint called Nutmeg. 5.)When the candles had all dried, I quickly painted black acrylic paint over each candle rubbing off most of it to give it an aged look. You can see below the difference the black paint gives each candle. I wanted them to look old and dirty.... these are going to be used as props at our yearly pirate party.
Here are five of the candles sitting on a $5 candelabra that I picked up a few years back from a second hand store.
Of course I was careful not to disturb to much of the dust on the candelabra-- I'm going for an authentic look of course ;-P
big hugs,


  1. great tutorial. thanks for sharing!

  2. Love this! I can see making Halloween black and orange candles this way, and what about Christmas? Very cool and clever!

  3. OMG! How cool! I think I will be making some of these! I wanted a candle lantern on my porch but real candles would melt.

  4. Hi there! Niki here, stopping over from WFMW. I just wanted to pop in and check out your blog. I like what I see so far.

    Stop by my blog, Free 2 Be Frugal, when you get a chance!

    Very cool idea..they look so real.

  5. Cool project...thanks for sharing the instructions!
    Happy day!

  6. Wow! That is so unique. At first I thought they were pieces of wood. I never would have guessed PVC!


  7. WOW! These are amazing! I thought they were wood. Great job...

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another great party....

  8. They look great !!
    The Little Things

  9. That's very clever. The look can go so many different ways. I think they'll be perfect for your pirate party! Great job!

  10. I love this idea and so perfect for a Pirate party too! I bet these would be a hit in Martha's Halloween issue!

  11. What a great idea... they really do look like candles... who knew! What a fantastic idea for outdoors too.

  12. I am gobsmacked at how creative you are.. WONDERFUL, thank you for the tutorial.


  13. This is such a cool idea! I am featuring it at Grab my "featured" button.

  14. I LOVE this idea! I hope you will visit us on Tuesday for our ANYTHING RELATED link party!

  15. What a great idea! I'm book marking this as I m going to have to try making my own!

  16. What a great idea! I'm book marking this as I m going to have to try making my own!

  17. What an awesome creative idea! I am going to have to give this a try! Thank you for sharing!!

  18. Such a fun idea, there's so many uses for these fakies. Love it!

  19. I love this idea! I'm so glad that I found your blog. I am a follower now!

  20. Love this idea! I'm becoming a follower! Thanks for sharing...

  21. Hi,
    I followed you over from the Life As Lori link party. You have a teriffic blog. I am now a follower of yours. I would really love it if you came over and visited me too. Be sure to enter the drawings for the necklaces, if you do. Rory

  22. Just letting you know that I used this great idea of yours for fake candles on an outdoor chandelier, and I linked back to you :) Feel free to stop by and check it out, I'm still loving this idea :)

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