

Vintage dress form

This past Saturday while hitting some yard sales, I came across this box full of vintage dress form parts. The box was only $3, well worth the 50/50 chance that the dress form was complete.I took one of the pieces into a hardware store to buy some wing nuts to put the adjustable dress form back together. Nothing fit the screws on this vintage piece. The store clerk thought it was metric, but even those didn't fit. I had to buy bigger wing nuts than the actual screw size and add tape to each screw to get it to hold. It cost me $1 for a bag of nuts. It was a smidge wiggley so I tied it together to help keep its shape. She is very petite standing at only 30 inches high. Her measurements are 30/23/31... gasp, I think thats the size of my leg. :-P She is beautiful just like she is.... but....I am planning on using this dress form to showcase some of the vintage bling I have tucked in boxes here and there in my studio. The ones that are to beautiful and perfect to pull apart, you know the keepers. Sooooo I covered this form with some batting that I essentially stitched together on the form to give me something to poke and pin my pieces to. (my friend gave me a huge bolt of batting) Thank you-thank you!I covered the dress form with a piece of a vintage bedspread that I picked up last summer for $ all together this is a $5 dress form/mannequin. Now, I've just got to hunt down where I put all the little beauties that I want to put on this... I've begun the huge task of starting to paint the full wall of shelves in my studio. *insert tear stained face here* Such a huge undertaking... totally making me regret starting. Oh well, like I always say, "You have to start to finish." Someone punch me~


  1. What an incredible find! I love what you have done with it. Cannot wait to see the "bling"!!!

  2. You got a fantastic buy there girlfriend! Plus you did a wonderful job of putting her back together again. You really hit it big with this one. Congratulations

    Hugs XX

  3. What a Find! She turned out Beautiful..... Can't wait to see a pic of her wearing Her Bling~

  4. What an amazing find! You made her stunning!

  5. Fabulous makeover!! I look forward to seeing how you "dress her up" with your treasures.

  6. amazing find and pretty amazing how you fixed her all up. She's lovely! How in the world did you get the fabric so smooth. I tried to cover mine with vintage barkcloth, but even putting darts in, I could not get the fabric smooth. :(

  7. Oh my gosh, what a find! And such a tiny thing at that.♥

    I know what you mean on the painting...I've got about half of my studio in creamy white and now I want to paint all of the display and bookcases the same...omg, this will take me til next year's party with Karen...LOL

    Stephanie ♥

  8. What a great job you've done!! I have a really rough dress form that I've been wanting to cover so it is tight and yours now. I've been trying to figure out how to do this and now I find your post (via the french cupboard). The batting idea is brilliant. How then did you cover it so nicely with your bedspread? Did you just piece it on and sew it while on the form also? I'm afraid mine will turn out -- not so good.

  9. Cheryl, that's gorgeous! I should so totally do that to my own dress form! You have inspired me!

  10. What a wonderful idea.. i think your dress form has come out very nice! Can't wait to see it with the jewelry on it! Hugs, Linda


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