

Better than Roses

Saturday was our 29th wedding anniversary. *gasp* I know right?-- We started off the day sailing--- okokok, yard sailing to be exact. When we first got married my husband was an avid real sailor -- he sold his sailboat when we got married so we could have a large sum of money to get started in life... sweet huh? Here is a few pictures of what I got for my anniversary, and yes-- all from yard sales :-) I picked up another champagne bucket for only $2. (now I have three) I spotted a huge amount of what I thought at first to be old cardboard photo frames by the way they were just tossed inside a bag on a table--- but pleasantly surprised to find the old photos still inside them. I bought the stack of 21 old photos for only $10. I picked up this tub of crafting supplies for only $3. I know, like I NEED anymore supplies. But come on, the tub alone new would cost at least $3. So, essentially I got the bottles of glue, unopened paint, glitter, needle nosed pilers, new paint brushes & neat foam brushes, wire, sponges, gold leaf, fimo clay for fa-reeeeeeeeeee~Then I found this little beaut of a Barbie dollhouse/bookcase for only $5 buckeroos. Since my grandaughter is only 2 1/2 right now, I thought I would take my time fixing it up and give it to her on her next birthday. This is going to be one caute barbie house once I'm finished with it! Wallpaper, lace curtains, wood floors... can you see it? Fabulous!
I also bought this..... *swoon* A Brother sewing machine that has a computer thingie that makes fancy stitches for only $20 bucks. It even came with a case! I am not a big time sewer, but I've been wanting to start sewing more. I have even joined our local quilters guild. I've had my Singer sewing machine for about -gosh- fourteen years now. Its just a straight line/zig zag machine that runs like a hay-horse, always up to do anything I attempt to do on it. But I was wanting to try my hand at a throughbred. You know what I'm talking about! Today's treasures were way better than a bouquet of roses~

What did my husband get? Why to spend the day with me of course *wink*


  1. Happy Anniversary! You did well "saling"! Love all the vintage cabinet cards.


  2. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you guys had a great time and you got the best deals. We just celebrated our 30th and we like nothing better than checking out flea markets and antique shops together.

  3. That dollhouse is fabulous! I can only imagine how amazing it is going to look once completed. I will be on the lookout for the finished project. :)

    Happy Anniverary!

  4. Happy Anniversary!!! What a great way to spend your day! Amazing goodies!!

  5. You always find the best yard sales! What state are you sailing i through?

  6. Cheryl-Happy Anniversary (a day or two late). Hope to see you tonight at the church! If not then I'll see you at guild on Thurs.

  7. Wow, Cheryl, What great finds and you really scored big time at those prices! Love such deals and the house is great! Hugs Marilou

  8. I love your anniversary presents! They're so creative and interesting. I also love buying old photographs from car boot sales/ flea markets. I love interesting looking family groups from the Edwardian period best. I always tell myself I'm buying myself some new ancestors - lol!!


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!