

New couch and chair

I bought a plastic barbie couch for .50¢ a few months ago from a thrift store. It was missing the entire back panel of the couch and the bottom as well. I added illustration board cut to fit the openings to fix it up. I wanted a matching chair for the couch, so I used parts of the couch as a pattern and made one completely out of illustration board. I used hot glue to adhere some vintage fabric to the set cutting it to fit the contour of each piece as I went. I added pink trim to the bottom of the set and painted the legs of the couch and chair black.... the matching tall stool was made using a lid off a hair spray can. Barbie is a happy girl~

I've linked to: Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday


Turn the page....

I am in the process of adding more pages to my blog... I am going to be selling some of my jewelry directly from another page linked to this blog which is called "The Tarnished Crown Boutique." I have enjoyed selling on etsy, but it takes a lot of time to list everything one at a time. This way I can take a photo of several pieces at a time and list them by numbers and hopefully sell things faster and easier this way.


Bragging-- just a little....

My jewelry is being sold in retail stores. I know right? *insert big grin here*
The latest store to carry my jewelry is owned by called, "The Barn Antiques" it is located in Northville, MI The first store to carry/sell my jewelry is in Alaska, there are about 6 others, but they just carry a few pieces.

Here are some of my pieces that now are being showcased and sold in Michigan~
Some keys....Some of the big spoon necklaces...Some small spoon necklaces...and some vintage anagram charms...I'm jazzed!


Mardi Gras

party tonight! *woot-woot*... I thought I'd make some fun noise makers to take with me to share with a handful of my buddies tonight. These buddies are appreciative of the things I make so I really like to make them things :-) These are made from the cardboard spools that ribbon comes wrapped on. I poke a hole into the side of the spool and add some small bells then I hot glue a thick corn dog stick for the handle of each noise maker. Then decorate until finished! Easy peasy~


Latest Jewelry

I've been pulling apart a lot of vintage jewelry recently. I was motivated by a small cabinet with 50 plastic drawers in it which I bought at a yard sale for $5.00... I couldn't wait to fill up each tiny drawer with some shiny bling so I'd have it at the ready to pull from. With this glorious weather we've been having recently its motivated me to make some flower pieces.I've also been playing around with trying to set up an area with a dress form and lighting so I can take better photos of my jewelry. Its hard getting the lighting just right...... To dark.... getting better... better.... Even better-erI think the pieces will show better if I have them actually hanging like a necklace would hang when worn, rather than taking photos of them on a flat surface like I've been doing. I would also like to make different covers for the mannequin to wear so all the photos don't look exactly the same. I'll just add that to all the other things I want to do on my ever growing list!


Happy Valentines Day

I finished working on the miniature dress form today. I added some satin gloss to the form before taking this photo. It doesn't look as glossy in the doll house/in person. The plastic dress form was a yard sale find, I think it was used to display barbie clothing inside a package. I added the wood dowel and the wood pieces at the bottom so it stands on its own. I glued some vintage dresden trim to the bottom wooden pieces to give the stand an antique feel to it. Here is the dress form before:I also made over a plastic barbie stroller. Here is the before:and the after.....I did make my grandson some Valentines to pass out at his pre-k class.... okokok, store bought and packaged by me..... next year I'll start earlier *wink*



Todays winter temperature was 73 degrees..... my kinda winter weather! *woot-woot* I've renamed this season "Springwinter" feel free to use it... it is more spring like than winter, thats why spring gets top billing.
To celebrate this fabulous weather, I did a little pre-spring fluffing in my studio--- I have a huge vase filled with faux flowers, but seeing the plastic covered wire ends--- which, lets face it-- isn't so lovely always bugged me. Whats a girl to do? Well, fill the container with buttons of course...This idea only took me about six months to come up with~ *wink*


Show off your form...

dress form that is~ I've got a lot of dress forms, some real and some are purely decorative.... Here is one that I covered in buttons... blogged about here. Look at this manly-man shirt form that I picked up for .50¢ It is covered with sheet music fabric. I used Mod Podge to adhere it.Here is a dress form that I bought at a yard sale....I covered it with this lovely old black fabric with pink flowers on it... then I made a "slip cover" for it out of muslin. blogged about here and here. If I remember correctly it was $10.00 This next dress form I made into a cupid, when I bought it-it looked like this, I paid $20 for this one... blogged about here. Here is a link of how I covered this dress form. This one is an old-old dress form that I bought in pieces in a dusty old box, I paid only $3 for it.... blogged about here. It is a very long and slender form... You can see it in the upper right hand corner of this photo...The Styrofoam chest form on the brass stand I've had for years... that was a $3.00 thrift store find. At one time it had leopard fabric on it and was used by my daughter.... now it is covered in vintage sheet music. I'm thinking about making some changeable covers for this one so I can use it to showcase some of the jewelry I make.

I also came across this tiny plastic Barbie doll dress form that I'm going to transform into something that looks a little more vintage. I'll make a stand for it as well~ All the things in this photo are all in the Barbie house I'm working on...Lastly, this is the dress form I am looking for......
Hubba-hubba... one day... one day~

This party is being hosted by "The Polka Dot closet"



I've been playing with some paper lately making some things for Valentines day.... I made these little heart pockets to fill with candy~I am attending a Valentine party and I am needing 30ish "valentines"... would it be awful to play favorites and give these out to the people I like? and give those not so cute dollar store ones to those I can barely tolerate? Ohhhhhh so fifth grade I know....
I do like to mix things up just a smidge.... keep the ol' blood circulating~
Oh how I love little cherubs.... this one is sweet in all her glittery glory. She sits on a hanging perch safe from all the kitties thinking she is a little bird they are needing to catch~
I got a delightful package in the mail from Natalea filled with wonderful Valentine goodies.
She is a very talented artist and I am filled with joy to have some of her work in my home.... somewhere I've got some things to decorate for Valentines day, I'm motivated to find them now!