

Happy Halloween!

Oh to be young again with a pillow case full of candy... *sigh*.... but I digress... I whipped up some halloween treats for my grand kids school friends. Vampire Suckers!

I used red cellophane to cover the lollipop, then added a black felt vampire cape.... wiggly eyes and some fangs and taaaaaa-daaaaa... a Vampire Sucker!

All boxed up and ready to be taken to school...
While carving my pumpkin, I found a pumpkin seed that had started to sprout and grow inside the pumpkin! What are the odds of that? I took the plant and stuck it into some dirt, if something wants to live that badly--- who am I to chuck it out!

big hugs...


  1. Bet the kids loved the treats! Rain and wind today up until about 2pm - glad it cleared out for the little goblins.
    Enjoy your evening.

  2. These are cute, Cheryl! I had too much left over. That's never a good thing!

  3. Oh wow! I can't believe a seed sprouted inside the pumpkin. I hope it grows for you. Cool suckers! I've done the ghosts one before but have never seen vampire ones. I know your grandkids' classes just love having you make stuff for them. :) Have a great weekend. Tammy

  4. Love those little "suckers" how cute?!

    We never got around to carving our pumpkins this year. So I'm loving them as Thanksgiving decorations!!



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Chaste hugs & air kisses!