

New Year...

new calendar. I really admire people who work in/on an artistic journal every day. Every year I have aspirations of working on an art journal. Creating little doodles and writing funny quotes. They even make special Bibles now that are created solely for art journaling. You've all seen them I'm sure. A-dorbs. I have also seen several examples of where people have used calendars.... well, who doesn't have one of those? It was on.
I grabbed my dollar store calendar and some cheap water color paint and gave every page of my calendar a different wash of color. I had to reinforce the center of each calendar page with some washi tape to keep the pages neatly intact in the book. The dollar store calendars are made with super cheap paper...
 But alas, you have to know your limitations-- and your attention span.
The appeal was fading fast...
I pulled out a couple of my favorite stamps, a bow to stamp on family birthdays-- can't forget those. Also a pig with wings... because lets face it that is down right funny. I wrote in birthdays, anniversaries and other special upcoming events...
and now? Now, I'm over it. I realize the prep work of each page is done and the fun part is the adding of the glitter pens, paper do dads etc... but I'm over it. I am however delighted with the colorful calendar pages-- so it isn't a total loss.
How on earth do people do this for an entire year?
big hugs,


  1. Eons ago I got the letters P P E O B E R and the only word that popped up to me was "BOOPREP." It became my official word for doing all the boring prep work that you have to do so you can do the fun stuff (aka watercoloring the pages so you can later play with glitter pens!)

    And now you've done it -- and what a great idea! I'm bad at daily journaling but if it was right in front of me, I might be more inclined.

    Nice inspiration!

  2. Happy New Year Cheryl,
    This is exactly what I need to sit down and do.... You are off to a beautiful start this year.

  3. I was thinking about buying myself one of those new bibles. I already have several, but they do look inspiring!
    my desk calender at work is usually covered in doodles but the end of the month.. and tea stains! lol!
    have a great weekend!

  4. There is nothing to say that you cannot add to it each month as the year goes on. You might feel more inspired to do a bit rather than feeling you have to do it all at once! Enjoy it whatever! xx

  5. cute idea, when you said dollar store calendar I was wondering how it held up to the watercoloring but looks like it did, like what you have done so far, I have not tried anything like this yet, I have seen a few bibles done and journals but I haven't been hit with that bug yet, LOL!

  6. I hear you, Cheryl. I've grown wary of projects that need constant follow-up, I always lose interest and they keep staring at me with a sad neglectful look.

  7. Your calendar looks great. It was good idea to choose a manageable project. I'd love to dabble but a whole year would sound more like a chore :)


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