

Lucky Pennies

I managed to pull myself away from my yarn stash and actually go outside and play since it is now getting to be a decent temperature outside! I used metal letter stamps to create Lucky Penny necklaces.
I haven't done any metal stamping in ages--- but, I think they turned out pretty good considering. In the past, I've drilled holes into metal-- but I thought I'd try my hand at one of those jewelers hole punches they sell at the craft store. I purchased a Bead Buddy hole puncher, it worked beautifully once I got it figured out.

 I also made some paper shamrocks that hold a Hershey kiss in each shamrock petal. Caute! The paper shamrock is made with two long strips of paper... pretty cool huh.

 I made little St. Patrick's day cards too. I honestly don't know what I'm doing when it comes to making cards..... but what the who-haw.... they will end up in the trash, so no worries!
I tucked a four leaf clover tag into each card. Yep, I made those too. Don't they look super old?

I remember when I was in kindergarten and whomever found a four leaf clover got to wear a paper construction crown made by the teacher with the four leaf clover taped front and center on it..... ah good times, good times. 
Have you ever seen these sour cream inspired containers for holding small gifts?
They are super easy to make. I used cardstock scrapbooking paper cut at 4"x6" and hot glued each piece to create a tube, then I hot glued one end of the tube closed and tucked a small gift inside....
Then I pinched the other end of the tube closed making sure it was pinched vertically to the horizontal pinched other end and hot glued that end closed... and ta da.... instant cute container!
Uh oh....I spy with my eye... some green yarn.....
big hugs,


  1. All very charming crafts. The St. Patrick Day cards are adorable!


  2. You've been very busy! Such cute cards and other crafts!

  3. Oh gosh, you have been so busy creating such cute things. I can't name a favorite in today's post. I think those sour cream inspired packages are pretty unique. Great post.
    xx, Carol

  4. Your pennies are so neat, like the lucky stamped on them. fun clovers with the candies inside, you do the neatest crafts. I think your cards are terrific, and the tags do have a col vintage look to them! I have seen those containers made from toilet rolls too, but haven't tried them yet, thanks for the reminder :) Can't wait to see what you come up with the green yarn! Have a great fun and creative weekend!

  5. I have a special container for any pennies I find and keep them always. Love the lucky pennies and fun things you've made! What joy to be a crafter...or in your case, an artist! Happy Spring!

  6. Cheryl, you always come up with the most delightful and creative ideas! The lucky pennies are especially delightful! And St. Paddy's is coming soon!

  7. I love the pennies! great idea!!!

  8. I love the sour cream little gift holders! How creative!


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!