

Bowling Pirates

I was wanting to create a little bowling game for my Pirate backyard... and boom... I found a wooden bowling set with a matching ball for a buck at a yard sale. Mind blown. Of course building the alley for the pins cost a little bit more. I think in total this cost me about $25 bucks with some wood left over for another project. *wink*
Aren't the little bowling pins adorable?
 I stenciled circles onto the bowling alley with gold paint so it will make it easy to put the pins back where they belong after each strike. When I have some free time I'm going to add some moss and fabric and other do dads and chachkies to make the bowling game a little cuter.
I was also wanting to create a skeet ball game... and you guessed it. "Boom"... found it at a yard sale.
 Yes, yes... yes... a bit mangled and broken up... but the potential is there! I see it...
big hugs,


  1. How fun is that! Vintage games are always a treat, but this one is fantastic:)

  2. That bowling alley is the coolest! You did a great job on it. Love those little pins you found.

    lol...I have no doubt that the skeet ball game will be wonderful by the time you get finished. I'm so impressed with your creations.

  3. My what fun that looks! I actually wondered where you found that OLD looking bowling alley. Great job.

  4. Those wooden bowling pins are fabulous! And the alley you made for them looks great!

  5. Cheryl, I think only you could find these cuties for a buck and the go straight to building a super cool alley for them, your talent is just amazing!! Love how you even made it look old to go with the pins. Very cool!

  6. Skeet Ball!! OMGosh. I grew up in Michigan City, a small town on Lake Michigan. We had an amusement park at the beach with a large builing that used to be a ball room that they put a game room in. We used to play skeet ball until our money ran out. We'd save the tickets we won until be accumulated enough to get a BIG prize. For the life of me I don't know what I saved them to get. We bowled a lot too. My father took me often. He actually bowled well enough to be a pro, but he worked in the steel mills of South Chicago and I'm sure that was a better job.
    xx, Carol


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