

Card Club

I joined a local card making group called, "Rock, paper, scissors." My friend Sandra hooked me up. Thanks Sandra!  I was happy to see I knew three people in the group already. This group comes together once a month to share techniques and ideas, which is awesome for me because I have no clue what I'm doing! One person brings in card making supplies for everyone to have a "make and take" to create while together as a group.  I am not even going to share my card that I made.... It.Was.Bad....
The prompt for this months card was "animals." I used the technique that they had shown us during the last meeting to create my card. (you didn't have to, but I wanted to try it!) It was easy, you use your embossing heat gun to heat up your card stock paper and draw on the heated paper with a crayon. The crayon obviously melts giving a nice appearance to the colored area... cute. I found a card idea on Pinterest and recreated it. I don't own the cat stamp I used.... I found it online and printed it directly onto card stock. I am so going to jail.

 The hardest part for me was adhering the thin patterned paper to the card stock base. First, I tried spray adhesive-- well, that didn't hold at all. Wha?? Next, I tried Elmer's glue.... that ended up feeling lumpy since the patterned paper was so thin. Blah... I ended up purchasing some double sided sticky tape on a roller which ended up working nicely. I used my scoring board and a needle to create the torn look to each card, the backside of the cat has puffy tape on it to pop it off the card a smidgen.
 To keep the card and envelope together I added a long strip of card stock around each set and used Washi tape to seal it.
I was told that I didn't have to use rubber stamps to create my cards. Whew, that makes me feel better... my stamping skills are awful *wink*
Next months theme is, "Wedding or anniversary." So far~ so fun!
big hugs,


  1. that is too cute, love the scratch marks you made, yes double sided tape is the best to use :) How fun you found a group and it makes it easier when they give you ideas to try and themes to work towards! Hey do a google search for free clip art, that will keep you out of trouble, LOL!

  2. What a good idea, Cheryl! And your cards are really cute. For someone who had no idea what they were doing, you aced it!

  3. Cute. Love the kitty and scratch marks.


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!