

Happy New Year!

Gee wiz, is it that time of the year again? Where did the year go? I still haven't gotten to do any of the things I "resolved" to do in the year 2008-- Oh well, whoop dee doooooooooooo!

My only wish is for health and happiness for all those I love. That and to win a huge lottery. Health, happiness the lottery and calorie free chocolate that tastes really good and-and-and.......


  1. Happy New Year. That sounds good to me!

  2. Hey, girlie,
    I started to write you a comment last night, but right in the middle of it my hubby IM'd me, so I just closed the blogging down and didn't get back to it until today. Hope you had a great New Year's Eve and that your 2009 will also be happy and blessed.
    Thanks for the tip on the swap. I'll pop over and check it out.
    :) Brenda
    P.S. Did your kitty ever come home? I hope so!


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!