

Estate Sales

While poking around on Craigslist I spotted this gem... Cubbies! *swoon* It was being sold at an Estate sale the following morning. The sale started at 9:00, I was the first in line at 7:00. I had prepared myself to pay probably about $65 bucks....

The price? GASP....blah. Nuts!....
Oh, I bought it...

I completely had myself talked into it. You know, all the money I've saved on everything else I've ever purchased... ha. Sometimes you just have to pay it out- to bring it on home! I had questioned the guys at the estate sale as to why the price was so darn high-- they said because it came with "stuff in the drawers." Dummies. I suggested I unload the "treasures" into a box for them so I could get the cubbies cheaper. Yep, that didn't work out. Here is some of the "treasure" in the drawers.... skunked again.
 OH but look at the drawers... L.O.V.E.

I did spy these vintage stencils, those I'll keep.
 Oh, and some pipe cutters and some copper pipe. I've wanted to try my hand at making some copper bezels but needed a pipe cutter and some copper pipe. No excuses now!
 This little do-hickey. I've seen this before, I can't remember what it is--- but I figure I can make it into some kinda steampunk something-or-other one of these days.
 It took me five buckets of hot sudsy water to get the grime off of this piece. When I poured out each bucket it was like melted chocolate. It was unbelievable. I bet you the previous owner who had it tucked in his garage for years never thought it would fetch such a hefty price and be placed inside a house and be "loved."
 The cubbies are made by the "Equipto" company and after doing a Google search on how much they sell for, I am happy to report I paid a GOOD price for this piece. Who knew. I found one on Ebay for $215 plus $120 for shipping and it only has 18 drawers and isn't all "chippy" and caute...
Now comes the fun part of filling up all those drawers!!
big hugs,


  1. I bet you'll have that filled up in no time! great find!

  2. Lucky you, though I laughed when I read you were prepped to pay $65. I always dream of coming across an old library card catalog cabinet. Great find!!
    xx, Carol

  3. I LOVE IT! Somebody in our town had some lockers for sell one day. I've been kicking myself for not buying them.

  4. Oh my that was quite a jump from what you were hoping to pay to what you did pay, but like you said when you really love something and you have saved so much over the years it is time to get it :) And you did find some things inside so that is always a good thing :) Glad you were happy with your purchase!

  5. It's a treasure. And I always sayif you like it and you can do it -- then do it! You'll not be sorry!

  6. They look wonderful and are certainly worth the extra you paid! They will give you ample room to fill with what ever you wish! Great find!


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!