


I purchased this standing wreath holder at a boutique for 2 buckeroos. At the time I didn't know what it was...but I thought it would look cute holding a wreath. Very preceptive of me huh~ lol...
anywho.... I got tired of it doing that since I found out thats what it was SUPPOSSED to do... so I unscrewed the base...and added some rolls of ribbon (that were becoming unruly in a drawer) and a pair of scissors and taaaaaaa-daaaaaa instant cute~
I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to make my photos "get larger" when they are clicked. Plllllleasssssssse anyone???


  1. What a neat ribbon holder! It made a great wreath holder too though. Such a pretty wreath!

  2. I need on of those, my ribbon is pikling up everywhere in boxes and on shelves. What a great idea1

  3. Love your blog name, Artsy-Fartsy. To make your pics bigger, can't yuo just click on the large button when you're adding them? I don't know - I am very computer-challenged. I cannot even figure out how to add links to my blog, and here I am trying to tell you how to do someihtng on yours. Go figure. Maybe my idea is just a 'brain fart'! LOL Just browsing thru your blog, it looks wonderful. Please give me a visit over at B'z place. :-)

  4. A standing wreath holder? What a useful idea!


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