

Sunshine swap

I signed up for the "Bucket full of Sunshine swap" over at Sweet Goodness swaps .... sounds like fun. This is one of four I'm participating in at the moment. (crazy huh) When I was shoping at the boutiques this past Saturday I purchased several vintage finds in the colors of yellow & orange. (not my top choice of colors but thats what the swap colors are) The "Bucket" can be anything you choose.... plus there is a contest to see who has given the best container... nothing motivates me like winning~ Like that old saying goes.... "If I can't win, I'm not playing". Hmmmm maybe thats just my old saying? *grins*


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am in this swap too, I did the last one the spring fling, it was my first swap ever and it was a blast. I can't wait to find out who my partner is!

  3. Arent' these swaps so fun!! I wish I had seen this one---I'm always a little late :) Anyway, we are swap buddies for the matchbox swap---I'm very excited and will be mailing your package on Saturday :) Please let me know all of the sweet little things that you love....I've been looking over your website for the past few days to get hints :) Enjoy your day!! Talk to you soon!!

  4. Hi Cheryl,
    Thank you for letting me know about the Josh Groban live performances on youtube. I LOVE the song he sang with Sarah Mclachlan!


  5. I sure hope you win, cause I'm your swap partner! HEE HEE


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