

Mad Hatter's Tea Party~

Welcome to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.... I am hosting this event in my 4 month old grandaughter, Chloe-Rose's Garden. Would you look who is already waiting at the front gate? Why it is none other than the Cheshire cat. The white rabbit will sound the horn announcing each new guest. I imagine the neighbors are delighted to hear such reveille so early in the morning!!Gate is now open... Welcome!I have put out some blankets, umbrellas and party hats if your wanting to partake in such frivolousness. My-oh-my.... would you look at Alice? This is what you get people for putting Brandy in your tea! Nightie-nite Alice, sleep it off girl~We ask that you please teather your high horses at the front gate... Absolutely no high-horse'ing around in this garden!I see the squirral family has shown up.... that family grows & grows each year ten fold!
Look to your left and you'll see cat & bird chatting up a storm. Those two are such chatter-boxes!Poor rabbit is running-a-muck as the caterer is running late~ This is the last time I hire "The Mad Hatter" to cater any of my events! Off with his head! or any other appendage I see fit~Grap a cuppa off of the teacup tree. We are totally doing a casual tea here in Chloe's garden as its hard to be a hostess when your holding your grandchild in your arms~ Please feel free to pull a fresh lemon off of one of the many lemon trees as well. We have flown in the Baby Blues Cockroach Band for this event. They are setting a delightful ambiance with their smooth sounds. Here you see white rabbit joining in with the band for a few songs~My-my-my...poor Alice staggered over to the cuppa tree and had to take another wee nap. Poor girls needing rehab~Cat and duck are not ones to gossip, but hey-- isn't that the added bonus of attending such a large event? The ever present opportunity to see someone make a fool out of themselves? Preferably someone other than yourself!
There is a little table set up with some sugared fruit and some hot raspberry tea. Watch out for that little pixie who lives inside that teapot on the table...she will positively talk you into adding extra sugar to your tea. She has such a sweet nature about her. She has sugared cranberries, sugared mint leaves and then your basic sugar cube. *gasp* Would you look at that...she is kicking sugared cranberries into tea cups... Ladies, hands over your cups! The little stinker is dancing under the spell of a sugar high!My~my where has the time gone.... party is wrapping up. Thank you very much for coming into my grandaughter's garden and having some tea with us. It has been fun visiting with everyone. On your way out, be sure to take one of the rocks set out by the gate. A person can never have to many rocks you know~ Please visit with Vanessa over at "A Fanciful Twist" to partake in more tea party madness~


  1. Oh my goodness! How lovely!!! What a beautiful garden you have! Ever so clever. Simply delightful. I shall be posting my party soooooon. **blows kisses** Deborah

  2. What fun-thanks for inviting us in to the garden!
    Lovely party:)

  3. thanks I enjoyed the party very much, you are an excellent hostess.

  4. I adore a garden party and what a lovely garden it is! So happy to meet all your guests today. :-)
    Thanks for the rock - I will place it in my garden and think of you.


  5. This is a wonderfully creative post.

    Love it all!!

    barbara jean

  6. What a great post. Thanks for sharing your lovely garden with us. <3 HurricaneKassi

  7. Oooh thank you for letting me pop by your whimsical party! I just love Chloe's garden! Please drop over to my place and party on!

  8. Lucky granddaughter to have a party in her honor. Lovely party.

  9. What a fun time, I love the party hats! And poor Alice *giggle*. The tea pot is gorgeous too! Thank you for hosting such a lovely party!

    You're madly invited to my tea party, I do hope you'll stop by!

  10. Youve had such a lovely tea party! You have a great imagination :) Thankyou for sharing, i had a lovely time visiting.


  11. Your garden is beautiful, and your party looks like such fun.

    Poor Alice, she really should lay off of the tea.

  12. such fun! happy madhatters party day!

  13. That was fun..thanks so much for inviting us to see all of your lovely vigniettes....amazing!!
    Hugs, Nerina :)

  14. Oh heavens...sugared cranberries? Who knew there was such a thing? In all the parties that I have attended today, I have not seen a one! Thank you for something totally different...

  15. lovely lovely party, someone better wake Alice up soon or she'll miss everything!

  16. Idaclare that was a lovely party. I so enjoyed my time with all the participants, while we were waiting for Alice to ..ahem, wake up! Such fun.

  17. My oh my! What a party! There's nothing like a garden party with exciting guests. Stop by later if you get a chance.

  18. What a lovely garden you have for your granddaughter!

    A Very Merry Unbirthday to you!

    Erin :)

  19. The hats! And the stone hands! And, and, and... I want one of everything! You put a lot of work into this and you should be so proud!!!

    I hope you'll visit my Tea Party and see what I'm decking out the party-goers in!

  20. Wonderful party!! Such a treat for the eyes!! And I did grab a rock before I left. I always need a good rock! Thank you ever so much!
    Hope you have time to visit my Tea Party as well

  21. Your garden is magical and handing out rocks is a wonderful departing gift. Seriously, I love that as I collect unusual ephemera and stones.

    Thanks for letting us/me be a part of your special day. Stop by my journal to celebrate with (2!!) parties. :)

  22. A most lovely party. I loved the teacup tree. Thank you for being such a lovely hostess! Have a magical weekend! Twyls

  23. I had such a wonderful time and your art is so grand. Loved the pony and all your little friends!

  24. What a wonderful party!!

    Come join me on the teacups at Disneyland!

    Cheers and clink-clink our cups to sweet Vanessa!!


  25. How adorable! You are so talented!


  26. Beautiful...Your grand daughter is one lucky little gal!

    Happy Tea Partying!

  27. Great Tea happy to be a part of this fun!

  28. How Lovely! Fantastic!
    just beautiful post!
    congrats!I love it!

    I hope you in my blog, too!


  29. Such cute photos and what a lovely garden! :)

  30. Those party hats made me chuckle!

    I am having a giveaway on my blog...come by and say hi at

    Enjoy the day!

  31. OMG, what fun. I LOVE the squirrel family.

  32. i'm here at last..i have my rock and i agrees that one can never have too many...i will add you to my follow list...i am enjoying the parties and dancing my day away...i am having my tea by the sea...with flowers in my hair...come join me...hugs, rebecca/cre8tiva

  33. Very nice party! I can see you went through a lot of work to make it so charming. Thank you! I hope you stop by my party and giveaway.

  34. Your Chloe-Rose's garden is a perfect place of a Tea Party. Lovely.

  35. What a lovely party and your grandchildren are beautiful.

    Renee xoxo

  36. How fun!! what a great time I had at your party! xo natalea

  37. cool party! What a beautiful rose garden!

  38. chloe has a most wonderful garden!

    thank you for sharing!


  39. What a beautiful garden! Thank you for sharing!



  40. What a fabulous party! The garden is a little girls wonderland! I very much liked the party hats the guests were wearing! Thank you :)


  41. What a wonderful garden party - and a lovely garden. So sweet - Thanks for the visit.

  42. Absolutely lovely tea party, Thank you!!

  43. What a wonderful garden and that teacup tree might be missing in the morning. Happy partying.

  44. Your party is great! I'm so jealous of your lovely outdoor area ;-)

  45. Lovely party! Thanks for letting me visit!

  46. The tea was lovely and the berries were sweet. Thank you for inviting me over for such a fine treat!

    Love LaLa

  47. oh my oh my- poor Alice! must just be all the Mad parties! (make sure you have plenty of aspirin!)
    What a fun, fun, fun party in a stunning garden! Cleo must have such fun there!

  48. cheryl - what a whimsical post. thank your for all your creative, artsy fartsy time. it was a most delightful party.

  49. What a lovely garden!! Fabulous party too - thanks for inviting us!

    ~ Carolee

  50. *:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:
    *:*:*:Make and make-believe! Such a lovely:*:* *:*party!! You have the finest garden so far!! Oh to have lemon trees!*:*:*

  51. Chloe Rose is soOOOOOOo cute!!! She looks ornery! LOL I LOVE that is that a chenille bedspread pony???SWEET!!! Wake Up!Alice!!!

  52. I don't need much of an excuse to wear an outrageous hat, I love hats!
    Your garden is beautiful, what a great place for a party!

  53. My party ended hours ago, but I wasn't ready to put my frolicking shoes away, so I popped in here! That you for the cup of tea right off of your tree! Mmm!

  54. I love your story and I love the garden setting! There's too much to look at and everything is just too busy. Loving that pixie girl but yes I'll keep in mind not to be persuaded by her with too much sweet LoL

    What a shame, Alice has to sleep through the party. I wonder who was the mischievous one who put that brandy on her teacup hhhhmmmmmm

    (just dropping by from Vanessa)

  55. Beautiful! Love the sweet tamborine Princess, too!

  56. Your party is wonderful! And your garden is just delightful. Great job with the photos and your amazing artwork! Loved visiting your blog. ~Nan

  57. Absolutely perfect!! Thank you such a gorgeous tea party & for being a delightful part of Wonderland!!

  58. That was fantastic! How fun!

  59. that has to be one of the MOST magical gardens I've ever had the pleasure of having tea at! please thank your granddaughter for allowing all of us to come visit. :)

    wishing you wonderFULL wanderings throughout the Mad Hatter weekend!

  60. What a lovely party... and so many fun hats to wear =)

  61. I'm so sorry to be so many tea parties to attend. Along the way I fell down the rabbit hole and somehow got lost at the bend. But if I may, I would love a cup of tea. All that running around has left me so very thirsty.

    And you can tell the Cheshire cat he can wipe that grin off his face.
    I tried.....I really did try to get here on time.

    And now....look at the time.....I just got here. hmmmm....

    Well, it has been splendid but I must be going. I have many more tea parties to go to still.

    May the day ahead be a beautiful one for you.

  62. what a cute party you created. ...and your grandbaby is adorable!

  63. What a lovely party you had here. I'm so sorry I'm sooooo late...I really enjoyed myself here today! Thank you for inviting me!

  64. Hi,
    I love Chole's garden. What a wonderful idea to celebrate a grandcild.Your Tea Party was delightful. I love the teacup tree.So many things to look at in your garden, I think I'll linger a while, I love gardens.lol8-)Plese visit my tea party.

  65. Sorry I'm late. I've just escaped from my own Mad Party.

    What four months old and she already has an enchanting garden. That's it I give up. My garden will be weeds forever.

    LOVED MY VISIT. Horns tooting. Sugar Cube dancing baby angels, and magical rocks. Couldn't have asked for a finer time.

  66. Wonderful!!! So many amazing touches I love it.

    I've just made a load of Mad Hatter style cake stands, its a great theme and I'm going back to peruse your piccys again for even more ideas now.


  67. my word, what a lot of work you went through! it's absolutely wonderful and fun! i love it - i'll have to check out that link you included! thanks for the invite to your lovely tea party - it's the best one i've ever been to :O)

  68. OOOOOHHHHH how soo cool and colorfull and prety,.. your ea party looks like a mini movie set. absolutly adorable and inspiring,.. thanks for inviting us to join.. peace

  69. What wonderful worn-smooth rocks! I certainly never can have too many... I've had a lovely time! Thank you for having me!

  70. Lovely party and super sweet teacup! I'm off to look at the rest of your blog! :)

    We are still partying on my are welcome to's a video! :)



  71. What fun!! You are amazing!! Your imagination is beyond belief!! Thanks for glimpse into your sweet party!!

  72. This is fabulous! Did you make the cutouts of the rabbit, Alice, etc. yourself? I am wanting to do a Alice theme for my little girl's birthday next year but I haven't ever found any of these big theme characters. Daisy~

  73. I wish I could organise that kind of garden party for my daughter but I know, the budget is definitely high...


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!