

New keys~

I got a new lock for my front screen door recently...and of course it looked just like the other key on my keyring. I have nail polish on one key already (tacky, but effective) I wanted something more "me" I got out my stash of papers and Mod Podged my keys.Soooooooo meeeeeeeee!~ I simply glued on the paper, turned the key over and cut off the excess with my xacto knife. When I had both sides covered with paper, I put on three coats of Mod Podge letting each coat dry.
I did this for both sides of each key. Now...if you've used this Mod Podge before, your aware that when it dries it is slightly tacky. I always use spray gloss over the newly "Mod Podged" area and that seems to end the tackiness! taaaaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaaaa! Instant caute!! You can see more made-over things at Jen's monthly make-over party on her blog Sanctuary Arts at Home.


  1. That a great idea! I used to have a short bread tie to mark my house key. I think I will try this. Thanks for the tip.

  2. That's so cute!!! Soooooooo Martha!!!
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. Very cute and clever! you always bring the best things to the party! jen

  4. LOVE these! So very fun and cute. Love your other Mod Podge projects too!! Come visit me any time!!!

  5. I'll bet you now have the most adorable set of keys on the planet!

  6. This is so original and such a cute idea! I love the personality you added to your keys. I'm going to have to file this idea away!

  7. oh my! now i am going to have to modge podge my keys, my KitchenAid mixer and my passport. I love that effect! thank you kindly for opening your blog for the tea party! please do stop by my kitsch-en for a drop of tea when you can! air-kisses and shoulder pats, yours truly, the kitchen goddess.


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!