

Showin' and a tellin'~

Well, I didn't get toooooooo far on my Christmas decorating this year. I always have these huge plans..... and well.... I get busy. I did manage to put up the tree and hang the stockings I recently made, so I'm thinking this will have to do. Next year, seriously, I'm starting earlier. Soooooooooo here is my tree, it is white although it looks pink in the photos. Glittered balls, butterflys, stars, hearts, birds-- you name it, its on there. My husband asked me if I had enough tree to hold all of what I wanted to put on it. The answer? "No" I need more tree!The Christmas stockings I made~The fireplace mantel with white netting & lights and various flowers placed randomly here and there~Our magic elf that moves around the house when no one is paying attention. This elf has been in our family since our daughters first Christmas 24 years ago.I think the elf is feeding our cat Charlie on the sly as the two have a special bond. The hutch beside our kitchen table, nothing fancy-- greenery, lights and pinecone ornaments.The little mirror & shelf behind our table with pine boughs and glittered balls & red pinecones~No more room on the tree for any more glittered balls, so I've had to resort to placing them in containers.....more containers of balls, I made the tiny stockings using the scraps of fabric from the large Christmas stockings I made. I've got them stuffed with candy....Ohhhhhhhhhhhh and Santa's hat. He always leaves a spare at our house incase his gets lost while he is flying around droping off presents 'cause we're tight like that.The nativity set that was my parents when I was a child.Look at the beauty of this... amazing huh?A seashell wreath I made recently~My front door-- I made this last year~I had to resort to stacking some of the bazillion presents on the back of our sectional couch in our grandkids playroom as there is no room anywhere in our house for this huge mess of presents,presents, presents,and more presents... and even more that are needing to be wrapped. I'm getting tired of wrapping presents... I'm thinking of putting all the rest into gift bags!
You can see more Show & Tells over at Cindy's blog "My Romantic Home" Denise over at "Bella Dreams" is hosting her first blog party with the theme of everyone showing off their Christmas decorations and or craft ideas. The Nester is having a Christmas open house linky party as well. Lastly, "Hooked on Houses" is hosting a Christmas party as well. Go check out the linky fun~ If you have linked to my blog and wish to view more, just click right here!


  1. Hello, Cheryl,
    Your Christmas tree is gorgeous! I also love your pretty mantle, stockings and all of your Christmas vignettes. Your manger scene is one of the loveliest I have ever seen. Thank you for sharing your pretties with us! Blessings to you! Vicki

  2. I beginning to think I am REALLY behind in Christmas decorating.

    I'd feel better if you told me these were last years pictures...

    I love your header, by the way.

  3. The little elf is sooooo cute! And the wreath you made is so lovely. Thanks for sharing your decorations.

  4. It's all so gorgeous with a flair of charm and whimsical....whimsical with the ever 'moving' elf. And, may I add since I'm a cat lover...your fur baby is sweet as can be!!

    Come see what I did with my blue cobalt glass candle holder I found at the antique store...


  5. everything looks great. I'm impressed that youve got all those presents wrapped already! I need a christmas wrapping fairy to come my way!
    have a great weekend!

  6. Your Christmas decor just oozes holiday yum! Thanks for sharing, what a treat! Have a great weekend!

  7. Hi Cheryl!

    Love your colors on your tree--that tree is

    Nice meeting you and your blog!

    Stop by!

    love, kelee

  8. very pretty and so festive! love your homemade stockings!


  9. Wonderful pictures, Cheryl! Love your Christmas decorations! So lovely! :-)

  10. lol, I forgot my name, hehe! Have a great weekend, Cheryl!

  11. Your home is just gorgeous and those stockings are to die for! Thanks for sharing your beautiful home with us. Enjoy the Party.

  12. Hi Cheryl~
    Your decor is so lovely...especially your tree! It is GORGEOUS!

    Happy Holidays,

  13. Thanks for sharing your holiday inspiration!

  14. Don't most of us need more tree for all our ornaments...Lovely post, gorgeous tree too!

    Merry Christmas,

  15. What a lovely home with lots of Christmas spirit - and such a cute cat. Happy holidays!

  16. You have been on busy busy girl! I LOVE everything that you have done and your manger scene is just gorgeous!

  17. What a gorgeous tree and decorations!

    I showed my husband a 7ft pink tree they have at Target and he say NO WAY so I got one for my work room instead, a much smaller one though, LOL

    Hmmmm, I may have to get a silver one too.

    But never one of those plastic white ones like we had for several Christmas a long, long time ago, LOL

    I love the pink skates!!

    Have a very Merry Christmas!


  18. I like your seashell wreath. What festive decor you have. The hutch is so cute with the pink inside. Thanks for the festive post.

  19. Everything looks so pretty but I am really fond of those pink ice skates with the pink trim!

  20. Hi Cheryl,

    Your Nativity Scene is just beautiful and I really love your tree & Christmas stocking. thank you for sharing your photos.


  21. Love the pink skates! Yes, starting earlier would help me a lot. But, when you can't start until the turkey is done... darn you need an army of elves to make it look the way you want to. I plan on glittering the little childerns skates I bought... if I can just get it done. Merry Christmas! Charlene

  22. Oh yes...white bags with wonderful color tissue you can use year after year and curly ribbon is so much faster than wrapping. I gave that up years ago...Thanks for the visit to your Christmas Blog party. Happy Christmas!

  23. Oh your home is just beautiful! I like the wall pocket you made for your front door. I know what you mean about Lots or ornaments. I always wind up putting alot on the inside of the tree to make room for my favorites on the outside of the tree! Merry Christmas!!!

    My Desert Cottage

  24. Hello Cheryl~I've just strolled in for my first visit...I've enjoyed taking a peek at your past posts. You've got so many wonderful treasures. Your blog is so beautifully inviting.
    We share similar taste for so many of the same design elements.

    As fall came to a close I looked forward to winter that was fast approaching, bringing a festive inspiration for tree trimming and baking a little Christmas confection.
    Don't you love the aroma that fills the air during this season?
    My cat also appreciates the evergreens and an occasional ping pong toss of my ornaments...

    I've bookmarked you in my faves.
    I look forward to coming by your charming blog again.
    Come by for a visit. Your company would be nice.

    Sweet holiday wishes,

  25. Thanks for having me over. Everything is just beautiful, you have a lovely home. Love your tree and the stockings you made. The perfect place to celebrate Christmas. Thanks for sharing.
    Merry Christmas!

  26. Wow, beautiful..and you have children?!?

    Happy Holidays Sweetie:)

  27. I love the Christmas Spirit & decorations in your home. You are welcome to stop by my blog to view my tour as well.
    Happy Holidays & Many Blessings

  28. I am just now getting to enjoy all the "tour". This is the FIRST comment I have made anywhere...ever. But, I had to say...that is the cutest elf I have ever seen. All your decor is beautiful...thanks for sharing. I am inspired for...yikes...THIS year.


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!
Chaste hugs & air kisses!