

Treasure hunting

Ah the yard sale'ing was great this past weekend. I picked up a lot of vintage jewelry..... drooling yet?Lets take a closer look at my treasure...six rhinestone necklaces~13 rhinestone bracelets~5 rhinestone earrings, or is that 10 lol~Two fabulous pins.....Along with all that treasure, I found 40 religious medals that a kind man GAVE to me. I told him I was on a mission that very day to get some religious medals and here he was with an over abundance of them and that he was giving them away for free. *goosebumps huh*
I also snagged this fabulous head with the super long neck for only $1. Along with an "ab-fab" crown that was also a dollar.While chit-chatting with the gal I asked her if she had any more "heads." To which she replied... "Well, I do have a mannequin, but its at my mothers house." She said she would take $8 for it. For eight bucks, I thought it would be worth a little lookie-lou. Couldn't hurt, and it was on my way back home. Soooooooooo I followed her to her mothers house where it was love at first sight. I have no clue what I am going to do with her.... so don't even ask! Just proves I'll buy anything. I googled "chrome mannequin" at it looks like this ranges in price from $200 to $400.Another fun-treasure-filled weekend! I've linked up to Charm Bracelet Diva's "G.W. Party"


  1. What fun! all in one weekend? Amazing shopping you do.

  2. looking forward to see what you create with these! blest be :)

  3. great finds! I LOVE rhinestone costume jewelry

  4. Wow, I've never seen a chrome manequin before! It's always fun to look up prices and see what a steal you got something for. I'm completely jealous of the costume jewels...I'm currently looking for a nice, old dresser to store my collection properly in. I hope I find one soon.

  5. O.K. I'm totaly drooling! I love the jewelry..and it seems like its getting harder to find the old costume jewelry...have fun with it! can't wait to see what you make with them!

  6. Dang, Girl, what a haul!!! Fun stuff, I wouldn't have passedon any of it. Can't wait to see what you do with that crazy chrome gal!

  7. OOOOhhh Ahhh my magpie scensors are up LOL
    Thanks for sharing

  8. What neighborhoods do you do your yard-sale-ing in? Can I tag along? Your jewelry and medal scores are EXACTLY what I look for, too! I'm jealous of all those medals, and for free! Thanks for linking up over at Club G.W. with Charm Bracelet Diva. It's great to see you there!


  9. I KNEW I should have called to see if you wanted a partner last weekend! Of course we would have both probably ended up w/black eyes from elbowing each other to get to the treasures first...haha.

  10. Hi Cheryl! I just saw your post on Charm Bracelet Diva. What a great blog you have!! I am now your newest follower; and I hope you will follow me, too! Many blessings to you!

  11. I'm in awe of your fabulous finds. I look for vintage jewelry everywhere I go, but don't think I've ever had a haul like yours all in one day. That mannequin is a beauty, almost looks like an Oscar. Thanks so much for sharing your jewels.

  12. You made an incredible buy with the chrome mannequin. Nice finds all around. I've just had the chance to check out your posts. I'm a new follower. Thanks for dropping by mine. BTW, I have made duplicates of other embellishments with the method you mentioned, but not with my little angel.

  13. OMG !!GIRL
    you made a haul, love all your jewels and that head and the crown and most off all the SILVER mannequin love her to death how darn fun . Put a formal on her or just jewelry all over her or she can welcome all your visitors

    what a great day for you


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