

Vintage suitcase

I purchased this round suitcase at a yard sale a few years back for only $2.00. At first, I thought I'd make a pirate suitcase with it, but I never got around to doing anything with it. Even though it looks like leather, it is actually made of wood. Recently while looking for a container to hold my grandaughters play clothes.... I came across it again stuffed in a closet. (I knew I'd use it eventually!) With a little bit of spray paint and some fabulous labels, I ended up with this. A vintage suitcase!I was lucky enough to come across six boxes of suitcase labels--- 45 labels in each box. Quick calculation: 270 labels for which I paid $2.00. *big smile* I sanded and inked the edges to give it a well traveled look to it.....Here is the backside of the round suitcase~ Now, all I have to do is load it up with my grandaughters beautiful dress up clothing. I've linked up to Charm Bracelet Diva's "Club G.W."


  1. That will be so much fun! O love the idea and what better use for it! Hugs Marilou

  2. What a wonderful recreation!!
    That is why you waited, its perfect.
    Keep smiling and creating

  3. That is so fun! Isn't it great that you had something put back for just the right time? My husband does that, and he has so much fun being able to say "I think I've got just what you need."

  4. Great idea with the suitcase. Ihave some travel stickers...somewhere!!!
    Sweet bronzed baby shoe pin keeps!
    Deb :)

  5. Very good. I really like that people are painting suitcases now it's a new twist on something that has been around along time.

  6. You are such a creative soul! I love it. and so will your granddaughter!

  7. Cheryl, I'm so glad you stopped by to visit!!
    When I caught a glimpse of this darling and unique shaped suitcase I just had to tell you how much I loved it, and that you did a great job on cute-ing it up!

  8. Cheryl, what a great idea! I did something similar with little suitcases for my son's room (travel stickers, I mean), but they were not vintage. You got it all at such a steal,too, gotta love it! Thanks for linking up over at Club G.W. {Goodwill} with Charm Bracelet Diva. Have a great week!



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Chaste hugs & air kisses!