

First Day of Spring

Ah warmer weather, longer days ahead.... sweet. I wanted to create a new necklace to wear to celebrate if you will the arrival of Spring. Here it is in all its glory.

I bought the religious medal off of a guy I see weekly out at the swap meet. He always says, "For you, I'll give you a special price." Which in theory sounds fabulous, but.... he says that to everyone!
 He is always good for a laugh if nothing else. Its funny how your drawn to different things at different times....

 Right now I'm drawn to things from the ocean. Probably in large part for my desire for warmer weather. *wink*..... I used a piece of abalone shell in this necklace. I adore abalone shells... and pearls.... and bling... well you get the idea.

big hugs,


  1. Love the necklace ... just the right amount of Bling!

  2. Very pretty! We missed you last night. hope you are feeling better soon!

  3. Lovely necklace! I love handmade jewelry. Best wishes, Tammy


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!