

Getting Ready for Summer

I had to make a new liner for my weekend shopping cart as the old one I made out of a vintage quilt was getting pretty ratty. I made this liner months and months ago--- and even though I got oo000ooohhhssss & aaAAaaahhhssss over it, I wasn't finished with it!

 It was needing something to hang over the wire bars at the top, as is, its sooooooo "swap meet." I intended to add a piece of a lace valance, but I had so much fun making the ruffled piece for my vintage laundry basket, that I whipped up a topper for my shopping cart as well. Plus, I have a huge bag of ruffles I premade just waiting to be used. It was pretty easy to stitch the ruffles to the liner and flip it over the edge and taaa daaa....

 finished & caute!

I also reattached my "Artsy Fartsy" sign to my cart. It fell off last summer and had been in the trunk of my car ever since *wink* I just love ruffles! I remember having a pair of ruffled "party pants" when I was about five years old... I lifted my dress to show everyone at a party my ruffles... and then being swatted on my ruffled butt for doing so...... *sigh*
 To this day, that swat makes no sense at all.... Party/party pants? Hello--- just showing my enthusiasm for partying!
big hugs,


  1. Oh my gosh! I am so excited to see someone else make a cute liner for their shopping basket!!! I bought a vintage basket last year, it needed new wheels and I made a cute liner to go in it! Hmmm... I think mine may need some ruffles too, what a clever idea you have!

  2. Just beautiful ... Thanks for sharing this!

  3. Love it! (and your vintage laundry basket, too) You have inspired me to fix up my "granny cart" now. Wish me luck!

    Oh and my mother calls those ruffled pants "rumba pants" which cracks me up. CHeers

  4. Hi Cheryl! I love your shopping cart liner!!! I absolutely need one. How much would you charge to make me one if I sent you the fabric? Let me know how much fabric you would need. Email me at Thanks!

  5. Love it! Your creative mind just keeps on spinning. :D
    Have a great weekend.

  6. Beautiful shopping cart and the ruffles added to the top are just pretty as can be!

  7. I have one of those carts... hmmm... Now, Im sure that I need a liner for mine too..
    thanks alot cheryl for feeding me a something new to obsess about! lol
    have a great weekend

  8. What a fancy shopping cart Cheryl! Love the adorable ruffles!
    Have a wonderful weekend and
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  9. Cute cart! It's a good thing you only showed your ruffles. When my 14 year old was in pre-k, he actually showed his butt and the principal tried to give him detention. He was egged on by 4th graders so what's a boy to do. She was none too happy when I refused to let him serve detention. I mean, come on, he was 2-1/2 years old. :) Have a great day. Tammy


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