

Tussie-mussie swap~

I finished the tussie-mussie for my swap partner Cheryl. It is a metal cone that I covered inside and out with vintage sheet music. I used vintage ribbon as the hanger. Love-love-love old ribbons!I made a little lid that is hinged on the inside with a piece of ribbon. I glued a flower on top and sitting in the middle is one of my fairy babies. I grabbed a bunch of stuff out of my little bins and filled a little white bucket and placed it inside the cone. I also sent along some cat toys and an embroidered pledge of allegiance that I think she will just LoVe~ The container sitting behind it is the tube I used to ship it all in. It was tight... but I squeezed it all in!


Yawn.... found this neat site.... entertained me for I'm needing a nap~

Busy, busy, busy~

Have you ever been so busy doing stuff that you seem to get nothing done? My little studio seemed to be "crowding" I have been trying to clean it out! Ok, really just trying to find a place to put things. The piles on the floor just aren't cutting it anymore. I purchased a new (old) bookcase that fits perfectly under my large window, it is a fabulous size to house bins of things & books...all of which I hope to get my mitts on sOoN! I've sorted through books, fabrics and whatever else was "bulky" and now I can see the floor.... darn... now I see I'm needing to vaccum! I've got a really long work table in my studio that I am finally going to put a skirt around so if I do need to place things on the floor they can be out of sight. Eh gawds.... another project~

Party hat art doll~

I received my party hat doll from my swap parnter Sallie Barnes. She took a photo of my daughter off of my blog and used her face & hands for the dolls features. How cute is that? When I first saw this I just glanced the face quickly and took a double take when I noticed it was my very own kiddo looking back at me.... made me laugh! What a cute idea, thanks Sallie!
(I am using Sallie's photo that she took of the art piece she made as I'm feeling to LaZy to get out my camera)

X-mas card swap

I received my package from the Christmas in July swap I joined. My swap partner was Natasha Below is a photo (that I took from her blog) of the items she sent to me all the way from Australia.
Very beautiful cards & tags, thank you Natasha~


I believe....

Today I earned a few more feathers for my glorious angel wings that I will receive when I go to heaven. This morning at about 9ish I was at the register of a local thrift store checking out... this woman came in in near tears stating there was a kitten all mangled up in the trash can outside the door meowing. *GASP* Seeing how I try to live in a total "Polly-Anna" state... I marched right outside to rescue that little kitten. I had to reach all the way to the very bottom of that flithy trash can, which is hard to do when you don't have long arms! Amongst drink cups and candy wrappers I lifted out a soda soaked kitten which was about 3 days old. Eyes closed, wet & sticky with soda.... no signs of blood *whew* it was just abandoned by some heartless hell bound soul. The other customers in line showed concern but none were eager to help, sad-sad state of affairs I tell ya~ Anywho, I gathered up my bounty.... and the kitten in a box atop an old towel...and off I went to the nearest pet store to purchase some supplies to get this kitten some nurishment. The kitten was in really good shape, it seemed to be strong and healthy and full of energy so I am guessing it was just recently placed in the trash right before I lifted it out. Luckily for meeeeeeeeeee and this little kitten there was a young gal trying to get some cats adopted from one of our local shelters (it is a no kill shelter) After some idle chit-chat about where I found this little darling, she told me... "You know, if I told my boss that someone just left this kitten in a box at this table while I was in the restroom..... I could have him come pick it up and get it into foster care." I didn't leave until I finished hearing the entire conversation she had with him over the phone....and that he WAS coming to pick up the little kitten! Hooray!!! I am so thankful that I was able to get this kitten to the right people to give it every opportunity at a healthy life. I believe... that was at least two big handfuls of feathers I earned today~


Newest swap~

I just found another swap :-) this one is a kitchen swap.... it is being hosted by: Garb-oodles Soup You know you would like to join in... come on!


Show & Tell Friday~

This week, I'm going to share my collection of buttons. I have a lot of buttons and I'm always on the hunt for more :-) I buy them at boutiques, yard sales...and I even pick them up off the ground lol If you want to make me happy....give me buttons! I house my buttons in all kinds of containers. Here is my collection of gumball machines which I filled with buttons. Each machine holds a different color...cute huh.Here is something I got at the auction I recently went to. It was in the lot of sewing items I bought for $2.50. It came along with a tag that reads: "Fresh water mother of pearl , from Button Factory, Muskatine Iowa -1910-There is a large shell with circles cut in it...along with long tubes of shells that I guess were put into some kind of slicing machine that cut it into buttons. I LOVE this... super neat for someone like me who just LOVES buttons! Mother of pearl buttons are my all time favorites...sigh... you just never can have to many of those!!Here are some jars that I have lined up on a shelf in my studio..... I have a fairy sitting amongst some pink buttons, and there is a small photo sitting in another which I used the tape transfer method on and it gives it a nice vintage look.Here are two flags in frames I made out of buttons~ The larger one isn't finished, I'm waiting on getting some more red/white buttons...almost there!and this I made using an old wire heart garden form... it reads "Angel of lost buttons" Ohhhhhhhhhh and this is a little tote I made using some yo-yo's and some of my favorite tiny buttons....(not finished.....) Lastly, here is a vintage glove form (bought for $5 buckeroos) holding 3 button necklaces...cute stuff~
This show & tell Friday was hosted by Kelli :-)

Xmas in July swap~

I finished creating the cards for the Christmas in July swap I joined, it is being hosted by Angelina. (Angelina just happens to be my parnter for the cupcake swap) I just have two more tags to finish and then I can box the lot up and get it in the mail. I am really bad at paper crafts...but assemblage art I can do. Soooo I assembled. My "cards" are a bit thick lol...but I think they turned out cute. They are all the same in one regard, they are all photo frame cards. I inserted removeable photos which could be replaced with a current favorite photo. The tags I went on the edge of the Christmas theme so as not to be limited in there use. I am sending the cards/tags in a card box that I covered in vintage sheet music and then washed over it with pink paint.... I also included some vintage tags & stickers. This was a hard swap seeing how my swap partner is Natasha Burns ..... enough said huh~ This card is my favorite. It has silver ribbon which has actually cool is that? I love the little Christmas stocking on this one.... The little flowers made with seed beads are so cute~ Here are some vintage bells on this card. And of course...the tags. I really thought this one was FuNnY... one blue sock, such is life sometimes lol. Then of course an baby angels! I hope she likes them...if not she can pull off all the vintage stuff and make something out of all of that! ...hey, I'd do it, sooooooooo I very well can't wrinkle my nose at her if she does it! lol

My kingdom~

I received my crown from the "Crown & Tiara Swap" hosted by: Holly Doodle Design You can see all the crowns/tiaras here. My swap partner was Christine Cunningham she sent me a really cute crown that was laying on a bed of sea-foam green rose petals. (my favorite color) She also created a little book and sent a note pad she decorated as well....and what queen would be a queen without a mirror? She was very generous with her gift... and it is much appreciated. Thank you Christine, you did a beautiful job on my crown!


Two down, two to go~

I finished two swaps today. Now I've just got to wrap them up and get them mailed~ the first one is for the cupcake swap. I made a fun container to hold all the loot. I made a little suitcase into what kinda looks like a large cupcake. It took me f-o-r-e-v-e-r to finish it! lol. I sent: a cupcake book, some sparkly blue sprinkles, 6 ballerina cupcake dancers, long spoons with cupcakes on the ends, a crocheted cupcake that when you lift the frosting pincushion you can get to the thimble/thread inside, some buttons, a vintage large jello mold, a emboidered tablecloth, some cupcake papers decorated with cupcakes and some cupcake/ice cream garland that I used to keep it all snug in the large cupcake suitcase~Next, the party hat artdoll. I made her into a garden fairy who is wearing the latest rose petal party dress which is all the rage in the Paris gardens these days~She is two sided so you look fabulous coming and going! I used silk rose petals glued to a cone with vintage sheet music lining the underside. She has transparent wings which are sandwiched between two mirrored images.


Show & Tell Friday

Since reading about Kelli's backyard frog. I thought I would tell about my indoor turtles. I have three baby turtles. Ok, they are no longer babies as the two larger ones...Button and Harry, are about 3 years old now, and the smallest one "Tipsy" is about 2 years old. When I first got the turtles it was scarey since they were about the size of quarters and they seemed very frail. There is never a guarantee that they will live seeing how they start off so tiny and lets face it, when your not an expert on turtle care, that right there can kill them off! So I googled what to feed them etc and they seem to be thriving. :-) When I first got them I would cut up worms and put them on a little dish for them to eat (along with fruits/veggies) I still cut up the fruits & veggies, but luckily I don't have to cut up any more worms! I still use a tiny plate to feed them on though, I personally think they like it rather than eating it all covered with dirt. I have to keep the two bigger ones away from the tiny one or they would eat its little legs off.... The turtles eyesight is not the greatest, and nothing makes their mouths water more than something wiggling, regardless if its another turtles legs! Here is a photo of Tipsy (the littlest one) and Button. I let them eat together only when I supervise. I think its important they get to know eachother over food lol. I placed a quarter next to the dish so you can see just how small they still are. The "plate" is a drink coaster~

Tipsy has the right idea...just climb right into the dish!

This is Harry. Harry is soaking for awhile while the girls are starting their dinner. Harry is a monster...he'll surely eat your legs off (if your a turtle) if your not careful! The turtles go poops in the water, so I like to let them soak in another container so their habitats don't get all stinky.
If you were to purchase a turtle from a pet store you will find that you can only get one that is 4 inches or larger. There is a law that states that you can't buy a turtle smaller as its a concern small children will place the turtles smaller than 4 inches in their mouths.... Most turtles carry salmonella and thats the reason behind the law. My baby turtles were a private adoption from a friend so thats how I got them. When I had my turtles for about a month...I just couldn't resist giving one of them a little kiss on the top of its shell. Well~ the very next morning I awoke with swollen lips. Botox? who needs botex??? I had thee most beautiful puffy pouty lips ever! I should sell that idea to some of those puffy-lipped wanna-be superstars! I'd make a fortune!!!

This Show & Tell Friday is hosted by: Kelli

Birthday bunting~

When I was poking around other blogs I came across something called "bunting"....I had to make one~ Sooooo I created this for my daughter's birthday. I think it turned out pretty darn cute if I do say so myself. Hmmm I think I'll make one for everyone in my family :-P


Sunshine swap~

I received my package from the "Bucket full of Sunshine" swap I was in. I opened the box to indeed see "sunshine." My swapping partner Jeannie was super generous. As you can see from the photos everything is very cute! I really like the metal bin that she used for the "bucket" Just recently I was eyeing a very similar funny. (There was also a magazine and a bottle of bubbles that are not pictured as I was reading and blowing bubbles in the backyard lol.)

There is some handmade cupcake pokes, some huge paper umbrellas (never have seen those before) some lip gloss, vintage buttons, a huge balloon, bubbles, magazine, a bottle of glitter, a tiny shabby chic watering can, a cute yellow ceramic basket. a handmade door tag, a super cute butterfly card, a HUGE sucker, some small yellow paper flowers, a gift tag..... whew..I think thats all of it. Ohhhhhhhh and the cute container lol.

All of the items are a sweet reminder of childhood summer time fun. Thanks Jeannie~ such sweetness!


Tussie-mussie swap~

There is a new swap that sounds like fun. A tussie-mussie swap being hosted by: Maria over at her blog called "The Junk Drawer" sign up deadline is July the 20th..hurry up and join in the fun~


Birthday Fairy~

Here are some photos of a little gift I made for my daughter for her upcoming 21rst birthday. I used a clock as the container.
The little baby in the photo is my daughter on her very first birthday. I used crepe paper to recreate her dress. I cut tiny squares of crepe paper and used the blunt end of a paint brush to glue these tiny little "puffs" onto the sleeves and edge of her dress. I even put some on her head, recreating the headband she was wearing that day as well~ (not that she had any hair mind you...)
I had a large selection of butterfly wings made into a transparency.... I cut one set out to make her a set of wings. I found an old vintage key with a "21" on it...bought that for .80 cents. I also found an "H" in a bag of Christmas ornaments I had recently bought for $3 buckeroos. I added some vintage ribbon, silk roses...a few leaves and a bed of moss to sit upon...and my little "ode to my precious one" is complete.
Here is the back of the box, I printed out "Happy 21rst birthday Heather" I love you, Mom.... the flower oval around it was cut out of a book which I cut and glued over my message. Kinda cute huh?


Show & Tell Friday~

Here are some photos of the items I bought at my first Auction. This is just a small sample of the items I bought. It took me two days to sort through it all....and put it away. I donated to a thrift store the items I didn't want... which was bags and bags full! I still managed to have a huge stash left! This is just what I grabbed to show: I got two lots of Christmas items for $2.50 each, there were boxes upon boxes upon boxes! In the boxes were vintage gift tags, old ribbons, old glass beaded garlands, old glass balls, lots of vintage ornaments (housed in glass jars now) I also got 54 vintage hankies (show below) for $2.50 along with the hankie box and an old mirror and an old vintage jewelry box. Old crocheted pieces, some that look like they were made with thread, they are so delicate. A large box of vintage linens, embroidered samplers, embroidered dish towels and a few pieces of vintage fabric. All of that was $12.50, more than I wanted to pay, but because of the quality of the pieces, I just had to have them. I also bought several boxes of vintage greeting cards, old postcards, envelopes, stamps alllllllll for $2.50. I am wanting to go again and again and again to any and all auctions. I am so hooked! Of course I was buying the cheap "junk" there was antiques to be had... there were people spending tHoUsAnDs of dollars on I am so pleased with my "junk"..... probably just as pleased as those antique dealers with their finds lol. I encourage everyone to try an auction if you have a chance, it was so much fun!
This show & tell Friday is hosted by: Kelli


I received my swap items from my swap in the Bella-Enchanted swap my partner Heidi sent me an amazing package! Look at the super sweet things she made for me.... a beautiful brown paper bag book along with the sign that she painted that reads: "I'm in the garden" She also sent a garden journal and a photo frame.... (which of course I'm going to put a photo of my grandson in :-) Thank you so much Heidi, your a fabulous artist and I truely love the items you sent me~

I've signed up for 3 new swaps, all of which are to be finished and sent out by July 31rst. If anyone is wanting to join here are the web addresses:

I've been puttering to say the least. No real goal or agenda lately...just goofing off I guess. I blame the heat~ Although, I have already begun to work a little bit on each swap, even though I do not even have my swap partners lol. Below is a photo of the doll that is going to be the feature of my "art doll hat swap"...I am thinking of making her dress out of rose petals...maybe some wings out of leaves??? who knows. This is as far as I've gotten on her.... She is two sided so you look cute coming and going!



Oh my goooooooooooodness. Ok, for weeks now I've drooled over others old vintage stuff.... dreaming/longing of my very own. Well... today as I was coming home from a "bummer of a day shopping at the boutiques", I came across a sign that read "AUCTION". I've never been to one. WOW! Within 2 minutes I was hooked, and well on my way to buying out the place. It was swealtering heat, but so much fun. I kept fanning myself with my number and the man kept thinking I was bidding. What a hoot! He finally got to calling me... "That girl who loves Christmas" I bought two lots of Christmas stuff :-P $2.50 each *takes a bow*
I have yet to go through everything, I am still shaking from giddiness so I thought I would come blog about it all while I was still on this high lol. I'll blog more later with photos :-P

Here is my loot:
Two lots of Christmas items (boxes & boxes)
A box of vintage hankies & mirror
A slew of vintage cards, Christmas/greetings etc.
Old stamps, cards envelopes, papers
Old records with their covers and bindings intact
Linens, doilies, some vintage fabric
An old diploma
That is just the stuff I saw, who knows what else I'll find. Hmmmm hopefully nothing is going to jump out at me lol


Show & Tell Friday~

Here is a photo of my antique doll I received for my 16th birthday. (I'm 42 now) My parents were on vacation visiting family in Edinburgh, Scotland on my I told them "I want an old doll for my birthday" and this is what they brought me back.
She is a little sweetie. (You know, I've never named her... any suggestions?) She is wearing a handmade dress that is to big for her... I often wonder if that dress was a hand-me-down from another doll. Her hair is human hair, it still has its natural curl to it. (I've never brushed it, so it looks very messy.) I've read they often used the hair of the child that was receiving this kinda doll. I would like to think that as well, I think thats neat. Her body is fully jointed and in excellent condition. I recently found some old reproduction patterns for some clothing that would be appropriate for her. I was thinking one of these days I'd whip her up some new duds. Maybe even a whole wardrobe full of clothing and shoes etc.... hmmm another project! lol

Show & tell Friday is hosted by: Kelli

New Swap~

I've joined a new swap. This one sounds interesting. It is being hosted by Malady . Sign up is now through July 16th, shipping out the swap is due by July 31rst. Plenty of time for all you crafters to join up as well!