

A few of my favorite things...

my grandson.... here he is practicing opening a present~my new wreath that I've got on the back of my bathroom door instead of a towel... inconvenient, but worth it. I love how the ivy just spills from it~
My new jewelry.... My Auntie Marie had a family ring similar to this one---that I've spent the past 25 years looking for one that was similar. Although her ring was square with a REAL blue sapphire and with REAL diamonds surrounding it. This one is sterling silver and the "diamonds" are just cut work in the silver. But...I love it to pieces none the less! Blue sapphire is my birthstone :-) The whole set was only $27 dollars at Walmart. *I know, what a deal!*
Sara over at Thrifty Decor chick is hosting this holiday "Show us a few of your favorite things" event.


  1. Beautiful sapphire jewelry! It looks "antiquish"! I saw you on the list over at Thrifty Decor Chick.

  2. Oh, that's beautiful! and that's cute... I mean the first picture ;)

  3. Very pretty wreath...and I can see why your grandbaby would be a fave...adorable. cherry


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!