I had a fun time hitting some yard sales this past weekend...I thought I'd show off my bounty~ This crystal light was only $5. I think I might pull all the crystals off of this and make two matching hanging lights for my upcoming pirate party :-) You can't tell in this photo, but the bottom that it is sitting on has about 5 more rounds of crystals that hang down!
All of these things were bought at the same house... a tin of buttons $1.50 (most are mother of pearl) an old pair of childrens shoes .50cents, an old photo of 4 children .75cents, a tiny box of old mercury glass Christmas beads (and other junk) .25cents, a baggie of stamins .25cents.... I would like to think that some of the buttons in the tin were from those children's clothing, maybe the shoes were worn by the little girl, and the old Christmas beads were from something that they had hung on their Christmas tree.
A baggie full of crochet pieces $1.00, a baggie full of jumbo sized white ric-rac $2.00. A pink vintage scale $2.00, a silver candlestick $1.50, a two tiered cat bed (soon to be painted white) $5.00, that rectangle metal lidded thingie filled with rose covered balls $5.00, the grayish looking metal thingie was only $1.00.

The large metal oval thingie (I am going to put decorating books in it) $5.00, the metal topiary was only $2.00.

Lastly, this filthy childs chair with matching filthy foot stool was $3.00. Stay tuned for that puppies make-over! lol
You certainly hit it Big Time on all these Treasures ~ So Jealous Here..... I am counting the days till I start seeing Yard Sale & Garage Sale Signs Dotting the Neighborhoods ~ this has been a Long Winter (we may have snow flurries again this week) I need My Junking Fix~
Oh, I'm coveting your button tin! What a lot of great finds! Hooray for garage sales!