

Yo ho ho~

Its a pirates life for me~ Ahoy, me Hearties! Welcome to the last known pirate ship to fall prey to Davy Jones' Locker (a fabled, mythical place at the bottom of the ocean where the evil spirit of Davy Jones brings sailors and pirates to die) ... Shiver me timbers! it was a sight to behold all the Hornswaggling (cheating you out of money or your belongings) and the Pillage-ing (rob, sack or plunder) going on. Some were Hang 'im from the yardarm, while others were Hempen Halter (hung).. and those less fortunate had to endure the Keelhaul (punishment in which a person was dragged underneath the pirate ship from side to side and was lacerated by the barnacles on the vessel) The Landlubber (big, slow clumsy person who doesn't know how to sail) who was sailing the "Chloe Rose" had a tad to much rum in his belly to command such a mighty vessel....See the empty bottle of rum? See, I'm not fibbing, see the bottle?...Now, just you watch, someone is going to steal that bottle for the 10 cent deposit! Mark my words! Ahhhhhhh the mutiny that goes on hourly on this mighty ship is sheer terror I tell you. Each buccaneer has stolen pieces of eight... nine and ten! Everyone is three sheets to the wind, walking the plank for fun! We are needing to sober up one of the old Salts to get things under control before the ships going to Scuttle (sink)
Down in the bowels of this pirate ship... in the narrow galley the ships cook, Stu Burns has been cooking up a storm. MMMMM my favorite, pumpkin cookies! Such a sweetie.... making them fortified with calcium.... and whats with these needles? B vitamins I image, the dear~Everyone else on this pirate ship has parrots. But not dear ol' Stu... he has these exotic birds that are the color of pitch black night! Okokok, we must leave Stu in all his baking glory as he is giving me the ol' pirate sneer... which you all know is followed swiftly by a kick in the butt~ Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! I was wanting a cookie!!Whats that I hear?.... "Thar she blows!" Oh my goodness... that means there is a whale sighted! Hmmmm which side of the ship.... oh my goodness, the ship is listing to the port side-- Blimey! Avast ye everyone, thats not a whale, thats a storm a brewing! Batten down the hatches! Close all the lids to all the pirate chests! Give me that Cat O'Nine Tails, I'm needing to whip these buckos into action! Well I must sign off for now, I must go store my laptop in one of those pirate chests before someones bottle of rum gets its spot~ Here is a film reel of todays adventures, sorry its blurry and shakey-- but you know, thats how it goes on a pirate ship.

Your pictures and fotos in a slideshow on MySpace, eBay, Facebook or your website!view all pictures of this slideshow

If you would like to see the above slideshow larger & faster... you can click on the "view all images" button under the slideshow~
If your wanting to join in on more Halloween festivities... go say hello to Vanessa and all the lovely party guests she has listed for you to visit~ If you have linked to my blog from the party caravan and wish to view more of my blog, click here to visit.


  1. Muwahahahahahaha!

    Arrr matey, me thinks the cookies are delicious indeed! Thank ye for such a piratical good time! Now if ye will excuse me, I'm off to walk yur plank!

    I'm visiting from Beyond to celebrate the spookiest Halloween blog party ever! I hope you are having a fang-tastic time today! You are cordially invited to share in the celebration at my party HERE. I do hope you'll stop by!

    Have a spook-tacular day!

  2. Love your blog! Thanks for inviting me to the party.

  3. Ahoy Matey! I think I will not try to talk piraty, because first it will sound silly and second of all: I probaby say something that means something really offending in pirate-language and then I have to walk that plank. No sir. I don't like the ocean. Well, I do in the summer, but it's waaaaay to chilly for wet clothing now.

    Thanks for having us over in your pirate adventure!

  4. Love the pirates! What a wonderful party thanks for letting me join.
    Have a Happy Halloween

  5. Yo Ho! What a wonderful party!! I think I shall sneak a cookie before I go...although I won't take more than one because I don't want to get seasick while I'm on this buccaneers journey! Happy Halloween...

  6. What a great party. Happy halloween and thanks for inviting me over. Those spell books are also really great!

  7. Hello!
    This has to be the cutest post ever and I love the pirate speak!!! I don't think I'll ever look at a calcium tablet the same...ha ha ha!!!

    xoxo Cori

  8. What a great post! I'm already a follower of yours, but thought I'd swing by as a guest from Vanessa's Haunting Halloween party. Glad I stopped by! Oh, gotta run...some scary looking pirate's after me to walk the plank!

  9. Thanks for inviting me to your journey. Thanks for the cookies!

    Hauntingly Yours...

  10. Oh, I love your piratey celebration! Enjoy the festivities!
    ~Autumn Clark

  11. OMGoodness this is Delightful! Love the pirate theme. Your little ones are simply devine. Do stop by my party and join Alice and Dead Bob. If you dare! **kisskiss** Deborah

  12. What a marvelous party! So glad I stopped by....hope you will do the same...mine not so spooky, but..

  13. Happy Party! :)

  14. Argh!!! Pirate greetings to you too! What a fun party you all are having...though I heard rumblings of another hanging taking place! Ack!!
    Stop by my party if you will...plenty of room and no pirates there!!

  15. a pirate's lifeeeeeee for me!! HA HA! what a great post- pass the embalming fluid please!-

    Happy Hauntings!

  16. Well blow me down!! Pumpkin cookies and pirates...where's the rum cake? LOL

  17. oooh my first Halloween party on water! Thank you for your hospitality! Please come visit at my party for more treats....if you haven't flown in already!

  18. That is the best pirates post evah! You should post that again on Pirates Day.

    Happy Halloween!

  19. Excellent Party!! Thanks for having me!!

  20. love that pirate ship and all your treasures - great party post :D

  21. I swear I put the bottle back!!! I had so much fun!

    monster wishes,
    mealy monster land

  23. A lovely post! We love autumn, don't we?

  24. Greetings & Salutations, just flying by to see all your pretties & say hello.

    Thought I'd leave my Halloween Party Extravaganza & Giveaway Link:


    Cosmic Blessings With Love & Joy, Lyndy

  25. This celebration is so much fun - your post is wonderful and those cookies look so good - Happy Halloween to you !!!

  26. Luv how you add the calcium;)

  27. Combining pirates and Halloween is the best!! I also have the same purple Halloween board for all the foods in my kitchen too.

  28. mmmmm- Pumpkin cookies matey! Arrrr!
    I flew in from Vanessa's Magical Party!
    I enjoyed my visit! <{:O)
    Be Enchanted!

  29. I loved this! So cute.

    Happy Halloween, Kelly

  30. Hi Cheryl, I know I'm old enough to be your mother, but would you, could you, pa-leez adopt me?

    You are more than an artist and visionary, you are a barrel of fun!

  31. Ar, matey! Lurved ye partey!
    I would love for you hop on your broom and fly over for a visit if you haven't already :) My party is here


  32. Popping by to say HI and Happy Halloween! Delicious cookies and lovely blog post!

  33. Ahoy captain! This was a fun adventure.

  34. Love all your bootie and loot my dear! Pop on over to my party and see if you can solve the mystery! Happy Halloween! Take care, Martha

  35. Your images are hauntingly bootiful. Have a spooktacular day!

  36. Jolly-ho my lassie, you really went all-out for the decorating! It's everything a pirate could ask for!

    Happy Haunting!

  37. Skeleton pirates, treasures in chests and black crows feasting on treats! What a lovely haunt!

    Happy Haunts and a Happy Halloween too!!!
    A Witch called Annabelle >^..^<

  38. Hi, Wonderful Halloween post! Great Halloween decorations! Happy Halloween to you!

  39. Oh WHAT FUN!!!!!!!! I LOVE pirates ;) Yipeeee YAY!! And embalming juice? Perfect for edible treats ;) ;)

    Bwuahahahaaaaaaaa ~ thank you for being a delightful part of the festivities!!

  40. Yo ho yo ho...har de har har! nothing like a wee bit o pirating on all hallow's eve!
    Very Clever, me likey!

  41. What fun! And different! I loved hearing the meaning of all those terms. I knew some of them but was surprised by others. You make me want to slip Pirates of the Caribbean into the DVD player!

  42. Your blog post was so delightful!
    I loved the skeleton on a grater for calcium~LOL
    I loved visiting~

  43. Well shiver me timbers - that there was a fun voyage matey!
    Thanks for dragging me along!
    October blessings!

  44. Oh, I love a good pirate story! I love all your piratey pictures. I had a great time at your party. Thank you for inviting me. Happy Halloween! Twyla

  45. A pirate party!!! HAHA! I LOVE IT!!!!

    Please stop by my party and giveaway as well :)

  46. Wonderful posting! I love the pirates :) It is taking me a bit to get around to everyone from Vanessa's little party so please excuse my tardiness!

    Happy Scary Day~


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!