

4 x 4 Friday

This weeks theme is: Fairies~ I've used one of my favorite of my hubbies great-grandmother. I adore her pouty little face. She sits in a nest of flowers-- which she can be "plucked" from since she is not attached in any way. It didn't scan all that well... I might take a photo and post that later~ Her wings are transparent and she wears a silver halo (a flatened metal ring)and I hand tinted her dress pink.


  1. What an adorable little fairy!

  2. Hi Cheryl,
    I wanted to see if you had rec'd the package from me yet. If you don't get it by tomorrow, please email me at I have finally had a chance to take pics of all that you sent me and I absolutely love the apron and the wonderful heart. I think you could definitely make money selling those two items, hint,hint!!!
    Thanks again.

  3. Such a precious little fairy! Love that you left her free to roam and her little headpiece is a perfect touch!

  4. Fabulous 4x4 I love the gold background, great image

  5. So very pretty, I love the look of the wings. And knowing the history in the photo, even better.

  6. Oh, really a wonderful 4x4. Love your fairy.

  7. So many nice details on your 4x4!

  8. Okay, Cheryl, you haven't posted anything for me to see in a week now. What are you making? Something special for your grandson's Easter? I love your fairy in the last post. She's adorable! BTW, we have taken your suggestion about making covers for our chairs for our church's Women's Fellowships. I threw out the challenge and we received enough money/sheets to make at least 50 covers, so thanks for the suggestion! Hope to hear from you soon. :)


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!
Chaste hugs & air kisses!