Still aimlessy goofing around... I painted this clock (with scissors as the hands... neat huh)pink-- it was a bright-bright gold color, I think the pink toned it down nicely~ It was a $2 dollar boutique find, I had it shoved in with my fabric stash for about a year. I do that, buy stuff and then just shove it in drawers/cabinets for years & years sometimes. I guess that means I'm a pack-rat? It didn't photograph all that well, it is super cute in person!
I added ribbon & buttons to my bulletin board-- looks much better now. All I have to do is add stuff to the boards, but hey, I'm in the "lazy" mode so who knows when I'll get around to doing that lol
Here is the "whole picture"
Next, I'm going to tackle painting the little bookshelf that sits under these bulletin boards.
I started a couple more projects-- I'm crocheting a little childs sweater (for the fair) I've never crocheted clothing before :-P I've also starting making yo-yo's. I tend to make yo-yo's when I just want to give my hands something to do~ kinda mindless cutting & sewing. Still plugging away at the baby blanket I'm crocheting. The pattern is driving me buggy so I've had to distract myself with other projects~
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