

Out & about~

While hitting some yard sales last Saturday, I came across some pretty neat finds. One, ok two in particular. At one estate sale that I came across in my own neighborhood as I was driving home, I bought this huge roll of tickets for one buckeroo.... and this box of pearl necklaces for two bucks.
The tickets I held onto for dear life... the box of necklaces I put back down. Two bucks? Who you kidding Mister.... Then I got to thinking... okokok, I like the colors of the pearls/ I use the old ones a lot/ I was running low/ poor guy probably has to pay his mortgage... All this going through my mind as I paid the three bucks for my items and drove home. WELL.... I get home and I'm pulling out the pearl necklaces--- one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine! *wow* Four of the necklaces are two strands. *wow* And...drum roll please...... two of the necklaces that are double strands.....are real pearl necklaces!!! All knotted-- all heavy, beautifully colored, same sized pearls. The clasps are gone, maybe thats why they didn't think they were "real" This brings my "real" pearl necklace finds this year to 4. The last one I got in a box of junk for a quarter. I have a lot of pearl jewelry, these won't be lonely :-) I used to wear nothing but pearls...Maybe I'll get new clasps put on these beauties and wear them~


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!