

Happy Thanksgiving

Goodness... where does the time go? I managed to whip up some turkey lollipops for my two grandkids to pass out to their classmates (last week).... it makes me happy that they enjoy passing them out to their friends.
 They were totally last minute as I thought they surely wouldn't want them anymore since they are getting older.... but I was wrong. I got all sixty turkey's made in one day.
 I even had some leaves left over to glue on to- two bags to hold all of them.
Christmas is fast approaching and I've already bought 10 boxes of candy canes so I can get a head start on creating something for the grandkids to pass out for Christmas. Fun times... fun times :-)
big hugs,


  1. Your grandkids are so lucky to have you for a grandma, these are just so adorable, I bet all the kids look forward to seeing what you have come up with

  2. Those are very cute. Happy late Thanksgiving to you all.


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