

Miniature Tree house~

Here is the frame of the miniature tree house I have been working on. It is going to look like a tree stump when I'm completed with it. It is going to house a tiny teddy bear that I received after my grandfather passed away~ I am not using a kit, this is made out of a tall plastic laundry hamper that I flipped upside down. I cut an opening (to be used later as a door) and then I added some thin wood for "floors." I then covered the laundry hamper with paper mache and thats where I've left off~

This show & tell Friday was hosted by:


  1. This is so unique and awesome! Is it from a kit or did you build it yourself? Maybe you can "house" some of your matchbox swap items in there, too!
    :-) Brenda

  2. What an enchanting tree house-i wish I was small enough to live there.

  3. A very different item. Never seem one like it before.

  4. I love your miniature tree house. What a clever idea and it will be so sweet for your little teddy bear. I've been looking at your fairy pictures and I love the way they are turning out--especially the one in the jar!

  5. Wow! That is so cool. You are so creative and talented. I can't wait to see it when you are finished.

  6. So clever and I can't wait to see the finished product with it's resident and all!

  7. Cheryl is there anything you haven't thought of yet? I love dollhouses and this tree house is so cool.

  8. You are so creative1 I am always amazed at what you are making!

  9. That is unique and so cool! Great work!

  10. these are so cool.
    from looking through a few posts, it's obvious that you are a very creative person. and enjoy being creative.

    thanks for sharing.


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!