

Cash Register

I picked up this plastic Barbie cash register at a swap meet for .50¢... what a deal! and yes, I did talk him down from a buck *wink* When you push on the keys it opens up the drawer and says, "Thank you" along with some other phrases. My grand daughter Chloe loves to play "store"... so when I saw this I was super jazzed to get working on it to make it a little more appealing..... here is the before.
Here is the after......I used silver metal tape, blue foil and some funky stickers to jazz it up.

Barbie took to it right away, its more her style now....

I made some tiny charge cards and shopping bags....

I also printed off some tiny money from a miniature printable site and made some silver coins as well....

Along with the cash register, I made a drawer unit to hold things like merchandise and extra shopping bags....

It is actually a small nine drawer storage container that is normally used for nails and screws. That was a dollar find at the swap meet. I covered it in silver metal tape and added stickers to match the cash register. I was going to wait and give it to my grand daughter for part of her Valentines day gift or part of her birthday. But...I think I'll give it to her tomorrow and tell her its just an "I love you gift."
big hugs~


  1. How cute!! You did a great redo on them and your Granddaughter will love her gift. Great price also.

  2. Never too old for the Barbies, Great renovation. Your sweet Granddaughter is going to love that!! Thanks for the smile today.

  3. You are so clever the way you redo the items you find. Like I said before - you are the b est Grandma ever.



  4. Hello from Spain: I have the same cash register. Great renovation. I also like the furniture. Your granddaughter will be very happy. Keep in touch

  5. Wow that is quite a sensational renovation! Love all the added touches - money, bags etc. You wouldn't be interested in an extra 45yo granddaughter would you?!? Lol! Just lovely. xo Johanna

  6. What a neat update for the cash
    register. What little girl or
    antique old girl wouldn't love to have this! Such a lucky granddaughter.

    Wish I could think out of the box like you do. I mostly bang my head against the box :)

  7. What a neat update for the cash
    register. What little girl or
    antique old girl wouldn't love to have this! Such a lucky granddaughter.

    Wish I could think out of the box like you do. I mostly bang my head against the box :)

  8. To cute, Cheryl!
    What a great makeover on the cash register, you think about everything even the charge cards, to cool!
    Have a great weekend!


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!