

Ruffled Tablecloth

*UPDATE*.... The event I was selling at this past weekend was theeeeee worst ever! It was laughable--- which I did a lot of! Oh well... at least the money I spent for the "space" will provide some income to the small business that is trying to eek out a business for herself. I did have a few sales and met some very nice people so the day wasn't a total waste of time!

I finished the ruffled tablecloth I was wanting to make for this weekends sale. *big sigh of relief*

 I used white sheets that I tore into various sizes then ruffled. I then stitched the ruffles onto a piece of fabric that goes around the table completely. I blogged about how to make easy ruffles here.
 I figured if I was committing to making a ruffled tablecloth, I might as well commit completely and do the entire skirt of the tablecloth, front, sides and back. My initial thought for the table top fabric piece was to use a piece of a quilt I had previously cut apart--- but I just couldn't bring myself to use it for this project. Luckily, I had in my fabric stash some ruched fabric that I picked up for a couple of bucks about a month ago. I love the look of the elegant ruched fabric with the shabbiness of the ruffles. Love-love-love it!

 I centered the seams of the tables skirt in the center of the table and left them un-stitched. I can either have it with the opening in the back for easy access to supplies, boxes and bags.... or pull the skirt open for a dramatic focal point to showcase something under the table.
I think it turned out rather well.... but I am definitely  ruffled out for quite some time...

I had one last fitting of the table cloth on the table before packing it up... and wouldn't you know it? The little stinker....

big hugs,

1 comment:

  1. great table covering! Good luck at the show! I know you'll do well.


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!