We went to see a Monster truck show yesterday evening. My 3 year old grandson is a total car fanatic so this is really thrilling for him to view this car show in person. This is the second year we've taken him. If you have never been to a see Monster truck jam/show, your missing out. Its scarey-good. It is kinda like that feeling you get when your on a rollar coaster ride in the very beginning when you ask yourself...
"what am I doing-- I want off-- this is scarey-- I'm to old for this cr @ p" You know what I'm talking about, scarey-good!
We were lucky enough on Friday to get to go to a radio show hosting a driver/car meet and greet. My grandson got to sit in the wheel well of the Donkey Kong monster truck.
Noooooooo easy feat as I think he was a little overwhelmed with the size of it-- at first!
Then it was thumbs up from there! He was once again a happy camper~

Doesn't he look so cute wearing his ear protectors? lol
Anywho.... I made this monster jam race track for him to play with his big monster trucks that he has.
I used foam core to make the huge dirt mounds out of,
I used one of his trucks as a reference on how high to construct them. I went around the edges of each mound with some paper clay to smooth them out a smidge. Once the clay dried, I hot glued the newly constructed mounds onto a base of foam core. I added more paper clay to the seam where the mounds met the base. I cut out two rectangles at the base of each mound so he could set in some
little cars to drive over. Once the paper clay had time to set up, I sanded down the rough spots and base coated the whole thing with brown paint. Then... I spray painted again using some textured paint making the whole thing look like dirt.
I made a frame of foam core which I spray painted black to go around the entire track. Lastly, I printed off some car signs and I glued them on the wall around the track.