

Spinning Earring Display

I've had and used this spinning earring display it served its purpose but like all things... was in the "donate pile" I was over it.
Keyword.... "was"

I was wanting to a create a new earring display when I had a thought-- just use the old one and repurpose it... duh~ In keeping with my Woodland Fairy boutique theme I set out to create the look of a tree stump.

I pulled off the pieces of burlap and built out the corners with cardboard and aluminum foil then covered everything with paper mache.

To give the illusion that the little cubbies were cut into the tree stump I added smooth layers of tissue paper to the area behind the acrylic shelves.

I used paper towels to create the look of bark on the newly built out corners of the earring display.

 Once it dried, I painted it to look like a tree stump that was adapted to showcase earrings~ It is not so garish in person, the flash tends to over exaggerate the colors.

So, here it is in all its "new" glory... a three sided, spinning earring display.


I love how it turned out! Now off to create a bunch of earrings to put in this newly completed display piece :-)