Welcome to those of you who have showed up to my blog via the "Grow your Blog party. Here are a few things you'll find on
my blog at any given time. I am all over the place showing off things I've made... from my pirate back yard, to the treasures I find and buy at yard sales. I've shared about the jewelry I've made, a few tutorials, making miniatures, recipes, sewing, crochet. You name it, I've probably blogged about it.... So, without further ado--- let me toot my own horn~

Here are some photos of things I've previously blogged about in the past..... I am currently transforming my entire back yard with a pirate theme.
We host a yearly pirate party for my two grand kids every year.

I recently made a cement compass rose in the floor of the new lagoon I'm creating in my pirate yard..

Below, I've taken an old worn out tiki torch and turned it into sea shell holder...

Some faux boxes I've made out of old discarded dresser drawers....

I love-love-love old photos. Here I've made some old black and whites into tags...

I had a small collection of bronzed baby shoes, I turned those into pin cushions.

I made a Barbie house for my grand daughter.... here is one of the doors I created for the house using card board and tissue paper.
tutorial given
Here is the Barbie house completed. Three stories of cuteness~
several tutorials given

Sometimes I'll show off something in my home...

I love the shabby chic look....

I made over my bathroom last year. I replastered the walls, put in a new vanity and laid a new floor. I just took it on as a "craft project" and it was easy-peasy!

I love to play with fairies, and glitter. The two go hand in hand don't they?

I like to make jewelry too. I've made a lot of religious shrines using silver plated spoons.

Here are some smaller shrines...

With the remaining handles left over from the spoon shrines, I've turned those into spoon rings...

I also like to make necklaces using odds and ends of vintage jewelry.

I really like to stamp on flattened spoons.
(this piece is mine)

I made this revolving display piece to showcase/sell some of the flattened spoon necklaces I've made...

I used old light crystals to make these fairy necklaces...

I like to make a lot of religious jewelry.... as you can tell.

I love to play with paper, both old and new....

Here is a book that I've been altering, its an ongoing work-in-progress...

I love to try my hand at everything. I don't stay with one thing for very long. I like to paint wooden signs....

goof around in my studio...

I'll repurpose practically anything into something else... picture frames into bow holders...

Or a ring display....
tutorial given.

Vintage tart tins into Christmas ornaments...

I also like to sew every now and then....

Sometimes I feel the need to crochet too....
I've made things using paper clay...

I've made some spoolies...

Photo holders using antique door knobs....

In this new year of 2014, I think I'd like to try my hand at metal etching, also, really mastering how to solder....
Well, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. Please leave a comment if your interested in being in a drawing to win the following...

A pair of hand crafted earrings I've made using vintage pieces of old jewelry.
I did use new bead pins and ear hooks.

Also, a small abalone shell with some added bling, making it the perfect little bowl to hold your earrings and rings on your nightstand while you sleep~
This give-away is open to any one who leaves a comment on this blog post, new and old friends alike.

So there you go, my blog in a nutshell... I hope I've enticed a few of you to follow me... If not, I've got candy... *wink*
You can view other participates of the "
Grow your Blog Party" via the blog "2 Bags Full" where there is a list of over 500+ joining in on the fun!
chaste hugs & air kisses...