A while back while browsing blogs, I came across a photo of one of those small take-a-long shopping carts that someone had made bag insert for to hold odds and ends that normally slip out. Well...needless to say, I HAD to have a bag for my cart as well. :-) I bought a vintage lightweight bedspread at a local thrift store, along with some textured white fabric (total $7 bucks) I think the color combination and texture of both fabrics are perfect together! I am putting two pockets inside and I am going to whip up a small plastic bag holder to match. (Sometimes at block sales and swap meets the vendors don't have any bags left... so I thought having a small bag full of plastic bags would be a fabulous idea!) Thats WIP number twooooooo~ Here is the pocket.... don't you just love the lime green fabric? Soooooooo cute~
Numero three WIP..... Christmas stockings~ I've got the stockings
traced, the embroidery finished...now its just a matter of adding lace/buttons and then sewing it all together!
WIP number four.... Felt. Red & white felt. I love it! Nothing screams Christmas like the colors red and white (to me anyhoooo) I have finished one of the penny-rug doilies (one more to go...for me ;-P) and I made a red/white felt frame piece (made with a blanket stitched edge) to go atop a book for my daughter for her yearly Christmas family portrait and Christmas memories....
OH!! I love all of your WIPs... I'm so glad to have found your blog--I wanted to stop over and let you know I'm so sorry but the sign up is closed for my fairy jar swap-packages are shipping tomorrow! I will definitely be hosting another swap on my blog but wonder if you'd consider doing a one-on-one swap sometime?? xo-Melfie