Here is a recent photo of my grandson. He is now 2 months old. He is sooooooo funny. This kid can actually flirt! He raises his eyebrows... up and down, up and down..... then he bats his eyes and smiles~ Man-oh man it is sooooooooo funny! I don't think he does it to be funny because when you laugh at him... he gets kinda mad lol... but how on earth can you help but not laugh? I think I'm going to spend his childhood years covering up my face so he won't see me laughing at him all the time lol.
(Is it me? or does Friday seem to come around awfully fast? I was going to take photos of several different things so as to keep up the illusion of my greatness....but alas...I've had to give into my laziness and resort to an "already downloaded photo." lol)
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