

Busy weekend

It was a busy weekend~ I did manage to hit some boutiques (thrift stores) on Saturday and found some fun junk. The most fabulous thing I bought....for a quarter.... I'll post on "Show and tell Friday's" post. *still smiling over that find!* In my neck of the woods, I don't seem to find the vintage treasures that most everyone else stumbles upon. I think those things get put in the dumpster.....grrrrrrrrr.At a church yard sale, I did come across two books full of wrapping paper samples. The two books were 25 cents each...The gal at the check out was beside herself with jealousy upon seeing them. (Only added to my own giddiness) I thought to myself.... YOU didn't go through all the stuff first???? Why volunteer to be a part of the yard sale if you don't get first dibs???? LOL I also got a box full of beads for 25 cents, a wicker basket with several pairs of scissors, thread, pins and other odds & ends for 50 cents~
I also picked up this shelf unit for $2 buckeroos~The shelves are oak, and it was easy to take apart and put back together. The person I bought it off of had plants on it outdoors~ I am wanting/needing some shelves to sort out all my stuff...but in the mean time this extra space is nice to house all the stuff I was putting on the floor lol. Below is a picture of it painted and the shelves covered with some vinyl... and some odds & ends trying out the new space :-P (And yesssssssssss that is a baby changing table in my studio... I have a little bassinet along with that changing table for my two month old grandson who comes over for milk & cookies (jOkInG)

1 comment:

  1. What great finds! I would be thrilled if I found those paper samples... And the shelf looks like it fits perfectly!


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