It was a stark white when I brought it/him home. I've covered it with this fabulous aged sheet music fabric which I decoupaged on the form. (bought at Walmart!) I had to snip it in a few places so it would go over some of the curves, but for the most part it is one solid piece covering the form. It is a work-in-progress mixed media piece, but for now its going to be nice to just have in my studio!
Sewing form~
Peach Pie~
Brown Sugar Peach Pie~
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 3 tbs. flour
- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
- 4-5 cups of peaches
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- 2 store bought pie shells
Add the vanilla to the 4 to 5 cups of peaches...stir well. In another bowl mix all the dry ingredients together. Pour the dry ingredients over the peaches, stir until its all coated. Using a fork make vent holes in the bottom shell....pour in the peach mixture. I always hold back about 1/2 of the juice created from the sugar mixture as I don't like "soupy-pies" Now... take the second pie shell crust out of the pan and onto a piece of wax paper to make a top for the pie. Using water to fix any cracks~ While the pie shell is on the wax paper I used a cookie cutter to create the vents for the top of the pie-- Once you flip the pie shell ontop of the pie--just lift the corner of each heart to offset it a little for a nice vent opening. Super cute!
Oh my gosh.... tastes so good too! The great thing about this pie is that everyone will want big pieces-- so then you won't have left overs that you'll end up eating lol
Saturday treasure hunt~
Anniversary time...

Soooooooooo dough-dough (thats what I call him, don't ask me why, I have no clue) you owe me big time for putting up with you for all these years lol..... I don't want any gifts-- cold hard cash will do~
Still goofing around~
I started a couple more projects-- I'm crocheting a little childs sweater (for the fair) I've never crocheted clothing before :-P I've also starting making yo-yo's. I tend to make yo-yo's when I just want to give my hands something to do~ kinda mindless cutting & sewing. Still plugging away at the baby blanket I'm crocheting. The pattern is driving me buggy so I've had to distract myself with other projects~
To go...