

Valentine swap~

Well, I've signed up for 3 swaps--- 1.) Altered tin swap 2.) Mitten swap 3.) Very Vintage Valentine swap..... now you would think thats enough swappin'-- but nooooooooo I'm thinking of entering "Birds of Change" Sounds fun, you make 5 birds and send them along with return postage to the host and she sends you back 5 birds... still thinking on that one. I think the sign up date ends on January the 9th if anyone out there is interested~
My little love bug grandson has been staying with us since Sunday night-- he is sick and I didn't want his Mommy (with child) & Daddy getting sick. Well, that didn't work out to well, both Mommy & Daddy ended up getting SICK! I'm not getting anything done like I had planned to do... but I tell ya, helping those you love is so much more important :-) Even though my grandson is sick, I'm enjoying every second of it!


  1. What a sweet Grandma! I love the vintage picture.

  2. Hi Cheryl,
    Thanks for dropping in!!! Your name is in the hat!!! Email me when you finish your altered tin. I am just beginning! :)

  3. sorry he's sick, but I know that Grandma's love and care will help have him on the run again really soon.
    :) Brenda

  4. oh gosh I was lurking about until I read this sweet sentiment!! What a lovely post!!


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Chaste hugs & air kisses!