Work, work, work... makes for a dull day. I've gotten about half way to my goal of going through everything in my studio. The next big project is working on recovering my long work desk, and attacking the mess underneath it. Shhhhhhhhhh don't tell anyone, but I've been goofing off rather than organizing my studio.
I've tried hard to keep myself focused.... But then I come across some scissors, then some paper, and then its just a free for all with bits and bobs flying every which way. Cutting, gluing, inking...
punching, gluing....
more cutting, inking & gluing....
Ahhhhhhhhh that was fun~ I made a banner saying "Artsy Fartsy"
I hung it up... and hated it. Isn't that how it goes sometimes? I'll try hanging it over my window next.
I'd better stick to getting things organized.
Mad Hatters tea party.....
The invitation to the Mad Hatters tea party was delivered by the fancy white rabbit right to the very door of Miss Chloe and her brother Jonathan's little play cottage. Chloe was happy to be invited to this years party once again...
Miss Chloe felt the large hat was a bit much for her brother to wear to the party....
She tried her very best to convince him that it wasn't a good look for him, but it fell on deaf ears....
Miss Chloe, being the resourceful girl that she is, grabbed the hat and plunked it on her very own head to show him just how funny it looked.
Jonathan grabbed it back and forcefully put it back on his head... "Drat," said Miss Chloe, "foiled again."
While walking to the party on the very-very narrow path...
Miss Chloe came across a sign pointing the way to the very place she was wanting to go. GASP... The signs were in French! Miss Chloe and Jonathan can't read French.... or English for that matter. The cat who was sitting on top of the sign post wasn't any help at all. What to do? What to do?
"Lets just go home and play with our bubbles," said Jonathan.
Which was perfectly fine for Miss Chloe as her brother did all the work making the bubbles, and she got to play~
Jonathan was not amused.
On that note, Miss Chloe grabbed her brothers hat and ran off, all the while laughing hysterically saying, "I'm the evil Doctor Porkchop."
After wrestling his hat back from his sister and placing it back on his head....
Miss Chloe, in her sweetest voice said, "You gotta love me, I'm da baby."
Which was met with a cold shoulder from her brother....
Hmmmmm, I got an idea!...
"Watch brud-da, I'm going to eat this bubble just for you."
Bubbles sure don't taste as good as they look....
While laughing at his sisters puckered up face, Jonathan noticed the time.
"My heavens! My cartoons are on," exclaimed Jonathan. "I'm outta here!" "Wait for me brudda!" yelled Miss Chloe.
Cartoons, animal cookies and a drink box and all is right with the world once again~
You can find more Mad Hatter Madness at "A Fanciful Twist"
You can find more Mad Hatter Madness at "A Fanciful Twist"
Works in progress.....
Yes PROGRESS! *woot-woot* Project #1... I finally finished painting my wall to wall cabinet in my studio. Here is a sneak peek of what I've been working on. After painting the entire thing, I added wood trim to cover each area where two pieces came together. Here you can see where the last piece of trim will go.
It was floor to ceiling bins, so to force myself to display things, I added vintage sheet music to the top area. I am working hard on giving my studio an cuter look for an open house of sorts being held next month. Better late than never on getting started! Isn't that sheet music divine? Its from the early 1900's.
Project #2.... I've also been working on another Alice in Wonderland prop for this years Mad Hatter tea party--- being held this Saturday. In previous years I made props using foam core, this year I used a piece of plywood. Here it is with the first coat of every color......
This past Sunday while sailing... yard-sailing of course. I came across a couple who were moving and selling everything in their house and yard. I bought a fabulous wheel barrow for only $10--- and after drooling over their flagstone patio.... I asked if it was for sale. "Sure, $20 was the reply.".... SOLD! my new wheel barrow and I got to work. Kismet? You betcha! All of this pictured below, plus a truck load more! These are the small pieces, the bigger pieces are still on the truck ;-P I guess this is Project #3.
Like I need another project...
I am up to my elbows in paint as I paint my studio cabinets white. The first brush stroke was fabulous, as was the second, third and fourth. The fifth brush stroke-- is when I thought to myself "Why did I start this?" You know exactly what I'm talking about don't ya~ To keep my sanity, I just HAD to do something fun, so I painted a small standing cabinet that I bought at a yard sale years ago for only $10--- The picture makes it looks small... but it actually stands four feet high.
To give it a little character, I dirtied up the edges with black and brown ink pads instead of sanding the edges. I used double sided sticky tape and adhered some pages from a Sears catalog to the backs of each cubbie. I think it turned out cute. It was a NICE release from some of the angst I was feeling while taking on the HUGE project of painting my wall-to-wall cabinets. Tomorrow I'm going to the hardware store to buy some trim to add to my cabinets a.k.a. bookcases... to make them appear to be a built in unit across the back wall of my studio.... a.k.a. my daughters old room. The only upside to this huge painting project is I get to set up little vignettes when the paints all dry on the shelves. Hooray for happy stuffed shelves full of stuff I love. Nuts, I guess I better get back to painting or its never going to get finished. Oh..... I thought I'd share this funny.... at the hardware store where I bought the paint, the clerk said, "Looks like you've got everything you need. you've got the paint, brushes and "him" to paint for you." Hysterical! I laughed as I corrected him that I was going to do the painting. Do men paint?
I've linked up to "Very Merry Vintage Style" share the love linky party.
I've linked up to "Very Merry Vintage Style" share the love linky party.
Ah, life is good. I got a new computer--- although its a big pain in the ol' butt trying to figure it out--- I am a happy girl none the less.
Anywho, I did get to some killer yard sales this morning. Here are a few photos of the treasures I found. I met an antique dealer who is getting rid of all of her things super cheap, (I'm going back tomorrow, it was just to hot to shop today!) I picked up several hammered aluminum pieces for only $1 each. The wooden key was only $2... the photos were pricey at $5 (her sisters stuff) I got two free sodas in the deal and so that had the money flying out my hand. The milk glass card holder and the little scotty dog were both fifty cents each. She had TONS of neat things, but you have to be practical when you don't resell things.
I picked up the blue perfume bottle, the vintage magnify glass and the stack of vintage sheet music for fifty cents each. The gold and glass relish tray was $1 and the Virgin Mary alter was only ten cents.
Here is a photo of where I house my tin collection. I'm going to start filling up those tins with vintage jewelry for my grandaughter who really likes "Nana's pretties" She is such a love~
Well, I am currently working on painting the massive wall of shelves in my studio-- which I pinky swore last year -- to do-- for this year. Ugh. It is such a HUGE undertaking, thats why I'm blogging instead! I am also wanting to create some large wooden Mad hatter pieces for next Saturday's Mad hatters tea party, plus make a baby blue dress for Alice a.k.a. Miss Chloe~ Then and only then, will I start to work on the 7 tags I am needing to make for a tag swap. Hmmm.... I may need some chocolate to get me through this~
Anywho, I did get to some killer yard sales this morning. Here are a few photos of the treasures I found. I met an antique dealer who is getting rid of all of her things super cheap, (I'm going back tomorrow, it was just to hot to shop today!) I picked up several hammered aluminum pieces for only $1 each. The wooden key was only $2... the photos were pricey at $5 (her sisters stuff) I got two free sodas in the deal and so that had the money flying out my hand. The milk glass card holder and the little scotty dog were both fifty cents each. She had TONS of neat things, but you have to be practical when you don't resell things.
maties! Here are some photos of my grandchildrens Pirate party. I took over 200 pictures during the party. I know- I know..... no wonder my computers main disk is "full." I still haven't gotten that taken care of, so for now here are some photos to razzle-dazzle you with.
It was so much FUN... although, packing up after wards isn't so much fun. I still have huge bins in my living room that haven't made it out to the garage yet.... sigh. More pirate slide shows to come once I get my computer sorted out.... its always something! :-P
It was so much FUN... although, packing up after wards isn't so much fun. I still have huge bins in my living room that haven't made it out to the garage yet.... sigh. More pirate slide shows to come once I get my computer sorted out.... its always something! :-P
My grandkids pirate party was fabulous..... I've been trying for hours to upload some photos of the fun event, but evidently my computer doesn't have any more room to hold any more photos. Hmmmm..... what-ever. Hopefully things will get fixed and or resolved so I can post some photos SOON :-) Off to enjoy day 2 of our pirate party, a pirate b.b.q. :-) Monday is a pirate potluck... and well Tuesday is ummmm "start your diet" day. *snort*
Somethings missing...
I felt my pirate ship needed a little something-something...... so I whipped up a Tinkerbell to sit upon one of the masts.
Now everything is right with the world once again...
Uh, scratch that, my 4 year old grandson suggested I make a Peter Pan for the other mast. lol..... I am in full get 'er done mode right now, so I also stitched up a brown fabric cover to shade the pirate ships cabin. Another suggestion from my grandson....
Next, I stitched together a fabric false ceiling for both gazebos and hung some faux ships sails to shade our outdoor buffet table.
I bought these two talking skulls at a yard sale for only $2--- a little fabric and a felt eye patch and they are two spiffy pirates!...
I also hung up the "Peg legs made while you wait sign" that I made. I've got quite a large selection of peg legs to choose from.... Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgh...
Lastly, some random shots of my yard. I'll spare you the photos of the really messy parts. Our pool....
The dock where our pirate ship is moored....
and the grandkids play yard that actually got played in today :-)
Felt pirate hooks
I previously made some felt pirate hats... blogged about here.
I had some left over black felt that I knew I could use to make something piratey. Of course, immediately, eye patches came to mind. But how fun would it be running around with one eye covered? Not to fun I imagine. So... the next best thing? Pirate hooks.
These were super easy to make. Here is a square of felt that I cut to make into a pirate hat. See the long center piece? Thats the scrap piece of felt I used to make each pirate hook. One square of black felt yielded one pirate hat and one pirate hook.... not to shabby for .25¢!
Here is a tutorial on how I made the pirate hooks if anyone is interested.
I folded each scrap pieces of felt in half, stitching down the center with about a 1/4 inch seam allowance...
Next, I opened up each one and stitched two together to make the cuff of each hook. By stitching the center seam on each scrap, when you turn it inside out it gives it a nice puffy appearance to each pirate hook. The pointy bit at the bottom of this picture will be where you will be adding the hook. Do not cut this opening to big, start by cutting away just tiny bits until you get the right size opening.
Next, I used the plastic from a two liter bottle to create the hooks for each pirate hook.
I cut the top and bottom off of each bottle, then I cut the middle section in half taping the two together using double sided sticky tape. So, your left with two pieces of rounded plastic stuck together. Next, I drew with a sharpie marking each hook I needed to cut out. You can get four to five hooks out of each two liter bottle depending on how wide you make each hook.
Once each hook shape was cut out, I used masking tape and taped the plastic to a wooden handle. (all craft stores have these) Then I simply hand stitched some gray felt covering the plastic hook and tape.
The final step is to hot glue the gray hook to the black cuff. The stitching will be on the inside of each hook. You need to cut an opening in the small pointy side to slide the hook into the black cuff. Slide the hook through until it looks like the hook at the bottom of this next photo. Using a generous amount of hot glue (where the gray felt meets the wooden stick) glue down the black felt. Once the glue has time to cool and set up, peel the black cuff part of the hook down.... seams inside remember....
and taaaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaaa PIRATE HOOKS!...
Before you know it you've got yourself a bunch of pirate hooks!
Aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgh! Easy-peasy! I've linked up to "Very Merry Vintage Style" linky love post. Also, I've linked up to Seven thirty three's "What are little boys made of" linky.
I folded each scrap pieces of felt in half, stitching down the center with about a 1/4 inch seam allowance...
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