Ah the
yard sale'ing was great this past weekend. I picked up a lot of vintage jewelry..... drooling yet?

Lets take a closer look at
my treasure...six rhinestone necklaces~

13 rhinestone bracelets~

5 rhinestone earrings, or is that 10 lol~

Two fabulous pins.....

Along with all that treasure, I found
40 religious medals that a
kind man
GAVE to me.

I told him I was on a mission that very day to get some religious medals and here he was with an over abundance of them and that he was giving them away for free.
*goosebumps huh*I also snagged this fabulous head with the super long neck for only $1. Along with an "ab-fab" crown that was also a dollar.

While chit-chatting with the gal I asked her if she had any more "heads." To which she replied... "Well, I do have a mannequin, but its at my mothers house." She said she would take $8 for it. For eight bucks, I thought it would be worth a little lookie-lou. Couldn't hurt, and it was on my way back home. Soooooooooo I followed her to her mothers house where it was love at first sight.
I have no clue what I am going to do with her.... so don't even ask! Just proves I'll buy anything. I googled "chrome mannequin" at it looks like this ranges in price from $200 to $400.
Another fun-treasure-filled weekend! I've linked up to Charm Bracelet Diva's "
G.W. Party"