

Repurposed Tiki Torches

I was given some tiki torches recently that were missing the metal containers that hold the tiki fluid. I knew I could repurpose them into something--- and if nothing else, I would just cut off the tops and just poke the bamboo into the ground. Well... I came up with something that I absolutely LOVE! It was so easy and I think it came out so darn cute! I cut away the bamboo pieces that were woven around the tiki and then I just filled it with seashells. So simple and so darling!

 I also made one into a little cage that holds a small skull. This one I cut away every other bamboo piece so that the skull fit inside--- then I used the tiki cap to hold the four remaining bamboo prongs together.
This one below is my all time favorite..... Loving it!!!
 I think the stringy excelsior moss tucked in amongst the seashells really makes it look fabulous! Oh my goodness, now I want a bazillion tiki torches to repurpose!
big hugs,

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Chaste hugs & air kisses!